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“I think I need to go to my apartment for more clothes. I mean I need to do laundry but I still need some more of my clothes,” she says like she just read my mind.

“I will send the dirty laundry to get cleaned and I will buy you winter clothes including a few dresses for New York and a jacket,” I tell her and she lowers her head.

“You don’t have to do that,” she says.

“I want to and plus it’s cold there,” I state.

“It is December,” she teases. She doesn’t say anything else about me paying for her clothes and I consider that a win because I want to take care of her and Thorn.

“That it is, but you can keep me warm,” I pull her into a hug and kiss her forehead.

“What kind of dresses?” she murmurs against my chest and then she slips out of my arms and goes to finish getting ready.

“Nothing too fancy, just something nice for weigh-ins and press conferences. After that, it’s just jeans and sweaters for sight-seeing,” I kiss her cheek as she brushes her hair.

“Gotcha. Just so I know so I can go back and see Carla, I know she’ll help me pick out something nice,” she says.

“Put it on my tab,” I say and wait for the outburst.

“Your what?” she squeaks, dropping the brush.

“I started one the other day when you got the Grecian black dress. It’s all right, she’s family,” I shrug like it’s nothing, though to her it’s a lot.

She starts laughing, “Of course, she is. Are there any other family members who work in the mall that I should know about?” she grumbles.

“Nope and when I mean family, she’s my mom’s best friend,” I clarify.

“You acted like you didn’t know who she was,” she grumbles, finishing braiding her hair so she can glare at me.

“I did that to throw you off. I didn’t want you to think I was getting special treatment and she is used to me barking orders,” I chuckle, reaching for her hand and squeezing it.

“I like Carla,” she says. “I know that with her and your sisters, I’ll figure out what I need for New York.”

“I know you will, sweetheart.” I sweep her up into a bear hug and she squeals.

“Are you guys decent?” Thorn yells from the other side of the door, causing Briar to giggle.

“Yeah. We’re coming,” I snort and Thorn groans.

“Not funny,” Thorn says with a huff and Briar just laughs. I like when she does that.


I’m happy that my sister found Kingston or rather he found her. I love seeing her happy, she deserves it. And while I’m happy for her, I gag at the thought of them doing it together. I know they have sex, but I just don’t want to think about it. It’s like thinking about parents having sex. Gross.

I need to tell Kingston that Lane was here. He cornered me in the gym, wanting details about Briar. He didn’t get a chance to swing at me since security showed up and asked if there was a problem. I did call Hayes and tell him. I should have tried to contact him when Lane was talking to me because every time he does something, he’s gone by the time the cops show up. It’s nerve wracking and I know Briar is taking it hard, as is King. All he wants to do is protect her.

That should be my job after she did it for me all my life. But Kingston can do it better and he’s proven that. He can also give her a good life, one that she deserves. Though one day, I will pay her back for everything she’s done for me.

For right now, I need to think about what to get Briar for Christmas since this will be the first present I’ve ever gotten her. She never asks for anything and she always made sure I had presents, but I never got her anything, though she would tell me that it was okay. It’s not and now with the help of Kingston, I can at least make that up to her.


Thorn is waiting for us in the living room when we emerge and all he does is shake his head. I know he’s happy for me. What I don’t know is what I’m going to get him for Christmas. All the past years were shoes that the kids were raving about. One year, I got him an Ipod. I struggled trying to do that for him, but now I want to get him something special.

I’m deep in thought as I follow the two men out of the penthouse and down to the lobby. I have to come up with something. Something he needs. He hasn’t said what he wants, but I think he’s doing that because he thinks I need a break from trying so hard to make him happy.

I’m still lost in thought when Kingston hands me the black card with my name on it. I look at him and then it. This is the one I tried to give back.

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