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“Even though they’re skulls?” I ask.

“It fits him,” Embry agrees.

We walk out of the store, continuing our rounds, while they smile like weirdos at me.

“See you just needed to window shop,” Tana reiterates.

“Should I get him something else?” I hedge, because I feel like it’s not enough.

“If you want, it’s up to you, but I promise he will love what you got him,” Embry says.

“I’m glad that I have you guys to help me out, I would be helpless right now,” I state.

“We got you. Here they come,” Tana replies as I look up to see Thorn and King walking toward us.

“Did you buy the whole mall?” I shriek when I see all the bags.

King laughs, “No, we left some of it.”

“We’ll leave you guys to it. See you on Friday,” Tana hugs me and then King, patting Thorn on the shoulder and then Embry does the same before heading to the exit.

“Bye,” I wave as they exit the building, feeling accepted by them.


I call for the car at the valet as Thorn mentions food.

“I’m starving,” Thorn complains.

“I am, too. I guess walking around the mall will do that to you. How about Dave and Busters?”

“Can I call Tristan and the others?” he asks.

“Sure,” I link my hand with Briar’s and lead her out to my waiting car that just pulled up and help her in. Thorn puts the bags in the trunk and takes the back seat. I can see him furiously typing a text to one of the guys.

Before I shut the door, Briar stops me, “You’re too good for us.”

It comes out as almost a whisper and I have to lean down to catch it. Her smile takes my breath away and her touch makes me feel sparks as she reaches up and cups my cheek.

“I only want you to have the best,” I lean in for a kiss before shutting her door. I settle in the front seat and get a nod from Thorn, guessing that means the others will meet us there.

I drive us to the restaurant and sure enough the guys are waiting out front. I slide out of the car, and then go to help Briar out when they converge on me.

“Aiden Sebastian?” Caleb asks.

“Yes, Caleb. I’m fighting Aiden, after you,” I grin. Caleb has been hitting the gym pretty hard since I told him about coming out of retirement. He’s not quite as big as me, but he’s almost the same height. The things he has going for him is he has long arms and one hell of a right hook.

“Man, I can’t wait for this,” Holden grins, always the supporter. I thought he would be the first one to step up his game, but I think he’s happy just hanging out at the gym.

I told them we were all going out to New York for my fight, I just didn’t tell them who I was fighting. Aiden is like family. I’ve wanted him to move to Florida for a long time, but he never commits. We all want him to move down here. My family loves him like a son, brother, whatever since we both started in this crazy profession. Someday, I will talk him into it.

“I told you y’all get to come,” I say and everyone high fives, even Briar, making me chuckle.

“Let’s go eat, weirdos,” I take Briar’s hand and we walk inside, the guys taking off to get coins or cards for the games.

Once we’re seated, Briar starts to fidget.

“Sweetheart, what’s wrong?” I ask her as she looks at her hands.

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