Page 16 of Snow's Storm

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“That was a longtime coming. Even Ever will tell you that. It’s all right to like him. Does he like you? I think he does. I’ve seen the looks.”

“He looks at me?” I can’t believe it. If he has, I’ve never noticed.

“Man, you are blind,” she teases. “Yes, him and London.”

“Both of them?” What? She has to be kidding me.

“Oh, Snow. Rumor is . . . they share. They shared Ivy once—well, that’s the rumor.”

“They share?” Okay, now my mind’s going in overdrive.

“Yes. I think it only started when London moved in, and it’s only been with Ivy, until she started pulling away from Shane.”

“Was that the reason?” I ask, intrigued.

“No, she wanted a ring on her finger. Shane didn’t want to ruin it. But he started changing his mind, thinking it would save their relationship.”

“But she was cheating on him.” The words tumble out of my mouth without thought. It’s not my place to say anything, especially since I don’t know the whole story.

“That’s what she says. I don’t think she was, though. I think she just wanted to be married. Nothing against Ivy—she’s still a friend.”

“She pushed Shane away because she knew he wouldn’t commit?” I don’t understand all that’s happened, and honestly, until now, I haven’t asked.

“Shane was committed,” Ariel clarifies. “You saw them, but she wanted more. But don’t worry about that. We’re working on you. One person at a time.”

Thank goodness for the change of subject. But now for the hard part. I’m not even sure I want to ask… I just blurt it out: “Is it weird to like two people?”

“We like who we like. Or love. Those who care for you won’t care about who you’re in a relationship with, only that you’re happy.”

“But London is going on the show,” I counter.

“For ‘show’—key word. Not everyone has found love on the show. People just love drama. If he likes you, he won’t find someone. He’ll just go through the motions.”

“Oh, okay.”

Ariel glances at the clock on the wall. “That’s time for today. I have to get back to the ranch and feed Brick and Linc. If Skye or I don’t do it, those two would starve to death.”

“Where is Skye?” I ask, rising from my seat.

“She took Stella to the zoo with Timber.”

“Oh, fun.” Fun for kids, I mean. Me? Too many people . . . But I keep these thoughts to myself.

“Someday you’ll have some ragamuffins running around,” Ariel says with a wink.

I laugh. “Not for some time.”

“See? That’s a beautiful sound.” She smiles at me as I show her the door.

“Thank you, Ariel.” I hug her goodbye.

“See you in a couple days,” she says as she heads to her car.

“Yeah, see you then.” I wave and go in search of Shane to see if he needs help.

Ariel is right—I am starting to feel better. It will take some time, but I know I’ll get there, and I have two men to thank for that.
