Page 41 of Snow's Storm

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“I need to check on Snow. Hope to see you again, Afton.” Shane slaps my arm on his way in.

“He’s cute when he’s embarrassed,” Afton says.

“He is. He hates flirting,” I tell him as we walk side by side back to my tent.

“Not good at it?” He shifts to face me as we stroll the grounds.

“No, goes back to what I said before,” I reply, scanning the horizon.

“Ah, okay.” He nods. “I think he knows how he feels about you, though,” he says, giving me a sideways glance. “I saw the looks.”

“The looks?” I raise my brow in question.

He snorts. “The ones you used to give me in school.”

“Oh, okay. If anyone was giving looks, it was you.” I shove him lightly.

“Maybe I was,” he admits, stuffing his hands in his jean’s pockets.

“Oh, hey, London.” I turn toward the voice.

“Hey, Scott.” I smile politely at him.

“Having a good morning?” Scott asks, but it seems almost like he’s jealous.

“So far. You?”

“Not really an early bird, but that’s what coffee is for,” Scott says, raising his mug in the air to make a point.

“Truth,” Afton agrees, heading inside the tent. The inside is set up like what one would imagine for a wedding buffet. There are long tables in the back with the food, and smaller tables scattered throughout. Someone even set out potted plants haphazardly within the space, trying to give it a calming vibe.

“I was hoping we could have a drink sometime.” Scott looks hopeful, though, he did just ask me before the competition.

“Yeah, sure,” I agree, and to be honest, he wasn’t that bad. I think it was me. I guess I could give him this—as a friend.

“Oh, cool. See you later.” He catches my eyes before he rushes off.

I head inside the tent, lurking in the corner as Carlton makes the announcement.

“So, even though there was a clear winner, there is still a catch. Team three, you will vote on two people to have lunch with London.” Carlton gets down to business. “Teams one, two, and four: you will vote for one person to have lunch with him. As a reminder, it is an elimination lunch. The other catch is . . . you’re making it yourselves. Whoever is voted for this will cook London his lunch.”

“It’s not really fair though. We won, so what do we get?” a tall brunette asks. I think her name is Mary.

“You’re right: your team did win, and you will get an advantage in tomorrow’s activity.” Carlton grins with a snort. “Not that you will really need it.”

I think Halloween brings out his evil side. I snort at that thought.

“Let the voting begin.” Carlton gestures to the staff to hand out ballots. “We will give you ten minutes to think on your choice. London, see you at lunch.”

Nodding, I watch as the contestants’ mull over their choices. One girl paces in the corner while one guy has his head on the table. Afton just grins, folds his piece of paper, puts it in the envelope, and walks out.

“I hope whoever it is doesn’t poison me,” I mumble to Carlton as I walk away.

He thinks my comment is funny. Ass.

“Wonder what they have to cook for you.” Afton folds his arms across his chest, seeming amused.

“I don’t know. Memphis went through this in season one and he nearly threw up.”
