Page 7 of Snow's Storm

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She hasn’t laughed once since she got here. It’s a beautiful sound.

Before she can shut down again, Silas jumps in. “Snow gets it. Learn to share, London.”

She snickers and continues eating. Silas appears as grateful as I feel—even though I want to knock him out for touching my food.

“Why are you here?” I ask around a mouthful of my bacon.

“Shane said you guys were going to Savannah for supplies. Someone needs to do the heavy lifting.” He grins like an asshole.

“Okay, I’ll ignore that for now,” I lift my fork in his direction, “but when did he tell you that?”

“I texted them right before Sal got here,” Shane answers instead.


“Any chance to annoy you is a good day,” Axel teases.

Grinning, I meet Shane’s gaze, silently thanking him. Leave it to the Thunder Twins to know how to lighten the mood.

“Heard you’re the next bachelor,” Silas says as he takes a plate from Shane.

“Um . . .” Well, shit. News travels fast. What am I supposed to say?

“We know, London,” Silas confirms, “and we don’t care.”

“How do you know?” I ask, confused and a little uneasy.

“Been friends for a long time.” That’s all Silas says.

“Well, yeah,” I admit with a shrug, pushing my food around on my plate. “I’m the next one.”

“You sound so excited.” Axel rolls his eyes, and chuckles resound throughout the room.

Sighing, I say, “I don’t want it to be like every other season, though.”

“Maybe we can come up with some ideas and toss them around to Sal,” Silas offers.

Nodding, I agree—for now. “That would be great.”

When I catch Snow’s gaze, something passes in her eyes—almost like a flash of anger—and then it’s gone within seconds. What was that about?

“Are we ready?” Shane picks up the plates, and just as Snow goes to wash them, Shane stops her. “Leave them, Angel. We can do them when we get back.”

She inclines her head and allows him to lead her out the door to the truck. He has his hand on her lower back as he gently helps her in, and something knifes through my gut.

Jealousy, but of who or what, I don’t know.

Like I said—fuck my life.
