Page 75 of Snow's Storm

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“How about we give him time to cool off, and we can address it as a family? You know we’re all here for you. And right now, there are a few that are scared you’re really hurt. Even the pig,” he teases about Harvey, nudging my shoulder.

I give him a watery smile. “Harvey loves me.”

“And only you.” He shakes his head, a small chuckle escaping him. “He’s worse than those chickens.”

“The chickens aren’t bad.”

“Woman, they love you. It’s like you really are the fairy tale maiden that can talk to animals, and they follow what you do.”

“Aww, you’re so sweet.” I smile weakly at him.

His eyes crinkle at the corners with amusement. “Don’t tell anyone. I have to be a big old bear.”

“A big old teddy bear.” Standing to my feet, I take his hand, and we head back toward the festival.

“I don’t know what’s going on with London, but I promise we will find out. Just give it time,” he says as Shane rushes up to me, with Ever waddling behind him.

“Fuck, I was so scared.” Shane clutches my shoulders, pulling me tightly to him in a strong embrace.

“You almost sent me into premature labor,” Ever scolds.

“I’m sorry.” I don’t know what else to say. It hadn’t been my intention to scare anyone. I just had to get away—to think, to be alone with my thoughts.

“We don’t know what he said to you,” Shane says, his arm still wrapped around my shoulder, “but we could tell it wasn’t good.”

“Is Ariel here?” I ask.

“Right here.” She raises her hand, popping up behind Ever.

“Can Shane sit in on my next session?”

“Sure. I don’t mind.” She swivels her gaze to him. “Shane?”

He shakes his head. “No, I don’t mind.”

“Tomorrow morning, say around breakfast time?” Ariel asks to confirm.

“Jesus.” Brick slaps his head.

“Brick can come, too,” I announce. “Might as well make it a family affair.”

“You sure?” Ariel asks, concern written on her features.

“Yeah. I think it’s time everyone hears,” I answer, confident in my choice. “I don’t want to hide anything anymore.”

“Breakfast sounds good,” Axel says.

Silas smacks him upside the back of his head. “Of course it does to you.”

“What? I gotta eat.” Axel pouts, rubbing the back of his head.

“And I’ll feed you.” Shane chuckles.

Axel grins. “See? He’ll feed me.”

“He feeds all of us,” Memphis adds.

“You good for now?” Shane asks, hugging me to his side, peering into my eyes.
