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“If the four of you do not leave this alley tonight, I’m going to be displeased,” I warned him. “And I can’t promise I will let you walk away fully intact if even a single one of you touches a hair on her pretty head.”

My men took a step forward, fanning in front of me in a blatant show of force as they unholstered their guns and aimed in the direction of the mafia soldiers.

Matthew watched me closely. It was obvious that he was second guessing his boss’ orders because he hadn’t expected me to catch him, but nothing happened in this city without me finding out about it. He should have known better than that.

“Silas, I have my orders,” he finally answered, the brave little shit.

I smirked and casually walked toward him. At the last second, I raced forward, grabbed him by the back of the neck, and pressed my knife to his throat. He stilled and I stared at him with malicious intent.

“You won’t survive this night if you decide to continue, Lucchese. You think that you answer to Nick, but he doesn’t run this city. I do, and if you defy me, the two of you will end up dead. I’ll make sure that they’d find your body in the morning and there’s not a person alive that would come after me for your death,” I growled.

A drop of blood oozed along the metal of the blade and the quietest whimper of terror escaped his lips. No one else heard it, but I did, and it made my grin widen with pleasure.

“Don’t test me, Matthew,” I snarled.

“We’ll leave,” he finally managed to murmur.

“Good,” I replied. I jerked the knife a bit enough to cut him and pushed him away. He staggered and struggled to catch his balance and I smirked as his hand desperately clutched at his throat. “Don’t worry. It’s not enough to end y

our life, but it’ll probably leave a scar. It’ll remind you not to test me the next time I give you an order.”

“Come on, guys. Let’s get out of here,” Matthew muttered to his men. They didn’t say a word as he rushed out of the alley and they followed.

“Oh, and Matthew?” I called out. He stopped on a dime and stared back at me with fear. “Why don’t you let Nick know of our little meeting? Tell him if I see him anywhere near Chloe Banks again that I’ll put a bullet right between his eyes myself.”

“I will let him know,” he answered. I enjoyed the way his voice shook as he said the words.

Once the men had left the alley, I sent Michael and Daniel to follow them and make sure they left the area. I had Eric stay with me just in case I needed backup. I pulled my phone out of my pocket and quick-dialed Dean. He answered right away.

“It’s all quiet here, boss,” he said.

“We had a run in with the Luccheses. Send Michael in to give her apartment a onceover. I want to make sure she’s safe for the night. Tomorrow night, she’ll be moving into my penthouse,” I instructed, and he grunted in agreement.

“Will do, Silas,” he replied.

I hung up the phone and Eric handed me another coffee.

I grinned at him and thanked him.

“This one has gotten under your skin, hasn’t she?” he asked. “We’ve protected a number of women before, but you’ve never offered your own penthouse as a safe house.”

I sighed.

Eric knew me far too well.

“This one is special. I can feel it,” I replied.

“The Seven will protect her for you, no matter what it takes,” he said boldly.

“Thank you, Eric,” I said quietly and the door to the agency finally creaked open. Chloe emerged and sidestepped down the stairs. I decided to allow her the privilege of catching her own taxi tonight and slid behind the wheel of the car I had borrowed. Eric opened the passage side door and sat down beside me.

“You’re going to let her go home tonight, boss?” he asked carefully.

“I’ll let her enjoy one last night of freedom. Tomorrow, I’m going to rock her world and when it’s all over, I’m going to take her,” I answered.

“She won’t go quietly,” he said as he cocked his head.

“Then she’ll be spending quite a bit of time over my knee, won’t she?” I smirked.

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