Page 59 of Wait For Me

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“Kefe,” GySgt. Fuimaono cursed in Samoan as he slammed his fist against the metal side. “Open the top hatch. We’re not going to make it.”

“We’re not?” Cpl. Hemming cried out.

“He means this death trap is not going to make it to shore, you moron. Now get up and push.”

The heavy doors to the escape hatch groaned as all fifteen troops and the rear crew chief stood on the benches trying to force them open. The driver hit another wave, rocking the vehicle to the side, and throwing Cpl. Sequim to the floor. Landon reached down a hand, pulling her up from the rapidly filling seawater onto the bench as the metal doors parted above them.

Warm sunlight temporarily blinded him and Landon sucked in a lungful of fresh air as his eyes quickly adjusted. The water rose to the benches they were standing on and was coming in too fast.

“Go!” He didn’t wait for the rear crew chief’s command as he helped hoist Cpl. Hemming through the hatch. The corporal’s fingers slipped off the slick siding as a wave washed over his head. White capped water came rushing inside from above as the water below continued to rise.

“Hail Mary, full of grace,” Sgt. Sierra yelled the prayer in a demonic tone as he held onto Cpl. Hemming’s other leg and together, they shoved the corporal outside into the ocean.

Landon turned and reached for a screaming Marine, using his knee to lift him up above the water that was already at their waists. The Marine struggled to get a grip on the hatch doors and Landon’s boot slipped toward the edge of the bench.

“Got him,” GySgt. Fuimaono’s voice called out and the Marine was pulled from Landon’s grasp. Then his thick arm reached back inside the compartment. “Give me another!”

Landon grabbed the closest body and shoved it toward Gunny’s hand.

And then he grabbed another.

The pounding of blood in his ears drowned out all rational thought as he continued to push bodies up and felt them pulled away. He turned to look through the sinking vehicle and the dark water that was already at his shoulders to make sure no one was left behind. Was it ten? He’d lost count of how many he’d handed over.

He held his breath as he dove under and searched the back of the vehicle blindly with his hands outstretched. His life preserver tugged him back to the surface as the pull of the sinking AAV dragged at his boots.

“We gotta go, Doc!” Sgt. Sierra grabbed Landon and moved to lift him up.

Landon backpedaled, slipping off the bench and treading water as he tried to regain his footing. “Did we get them all?”

“Get out of there!” GySgt. Fuimaono let out a war cry as he thrust his hand in the water between them. Landon yanked on Sgt. Sierra’s arm, pulling him to Gunny’s grasp. His friend’s eyes were wide as he was ripped out of the vehicle.

The water rose over Landon’s head. He kicked off from the bench, propelling his body toward the open hatch that sank down to greet him.

A wave splashed over the top of the hatch, disorientating him as he reached for the opening. He held his breath and stilled his body as he waited for the life vest to guide him in the right direction. His fingers gripped at the rough edge of metal and hinges as his face broke through the surface.

Landon’s uniform jerked against his neck and he was lifted from behind. He sucked in deep breaths as he hung suspended in the air with his feet dangling beneath him.

“Navy boys better know how to swim.” GySgt. Fuimaono stood on the hull of the sinking vehicle and spun him around to gain momentum before tossing Landon into the cold Pacific Ocean.

Stinging cuts lashed across Landon’s exposed skin as he hit the frigid water. He went under, the breath knocked from his lungs, and the sunlight filtered through the seawater above him. The life preserver pulled him to the surface and salt burned his eyes as he found the direction to land.

Fire pumped through his veins, propelling him forward with each powerful stroke until sand bumped against his knees. He crawled through the grains of earth, gripping handfuls of it as the waves beat against his back and he finally reached the dry sand of the sun-warmed beach.

“That’s everyone,” Sgt. Sierra’s familiar voice called out as he raced down the shore, sending sand flying with his soaked boots to where Landon sat on all fours coughing up the sea.

“What about Gunny?” Landon wiped the saltwater from his eyes.

“Oh, he’s coming,” Sgt. Sierra said, awestruck. Landon glanced over his shoulder. The Samoan warrior grimaced in the too bright sun as he marched through the waves behind them. His face was a mask of utter contempt.

Landon laughed bitterly, digging his fingers in the opulent sand of the California shoreline and staring at the base structures in the distance. The rest of the AAV formation broke through the water as it continued its advance onto the beach and helicopters chopped through the air above them toward their landing pads.

“You alright, Doc?” Sgt. Sierra arched an eyebrow.

“No.” Landon rocked back to his heels, unclipping the life preserver from his waist and ripping it from his neck. He raised his chin to stare at the sky. The sun was straight overhead shining down on them like this was any other day. “Screw this job. I want to go see my wife.”
