Page 27 of Almost There

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“Of course I’m okay.” She forced a smile. “But you should be asleep.”

“So should you.” Mason yawned as he propped himself up on his elbow. “What’s wrong?”

“Nothing.” Everything. “Turn over and I’ll rub your back.”

“You’re lying again,” Mason whispered as she traced circles around his spine. “You haven’t been laughing or singing this whole trip. Are you scared about Dad?”

I’m so afraid of everything that I can barely breathe. We’re trusting in strangers. What if I’m not strong enough to protect you? Her shoulders tensed and she willed them to relax. “Dad is going to be okay. It’s just a long drive to Grandpa’s house and I have to focus on the road.”

“Okay,” Mason mumbled as his eyelids drifted closed. “Can you sing me a song to help me sleep?”

Tessa gathered him into her arms and rested her lips next to his ear as she hummed a soft lullaby only the two of them could hear.
