Page 45 of Almost There

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This isn’t happening. Time slowed down as Tessa watched the man named Scott stroll across the gravel driveway and she tried to force herself to think, to come up with a plan to save them. We need to run.

“On your feet.” Scott aimed the pistol at Tessa’s face, but Robin sidestepped, moving into his line of fire with her hands still raised. She’s going to get herself killed for you.

“We’re getting up.” She held the kids close to her side as she stood.

“I want to go home,” Emily cried, clawing at Tessa’s legs as she tried to climb up her body and into her arms.

“Move,” Scott barked. “Inside the house, slow and steady.” His voice was distant, a murmur under the rapid pulse of her pounding heart and the frantic cries of her children. She couldn’t push them away, couldn’t make them open targets without her body to protect them, and couldn’t reach for her gun. In the time it’d take to get the zipper open, both men would be able to fire.

But they aren’t shooting yet. She took the first hesitant step, clutching the kids to her side with all her strength. They still had time. She would survive whatever was going to happen in that house.

“I said move.” Scott turned the gun on Robin as he shouldered Landon’s rifle.

“Come on,” Tessa whispered, eyeing the man. That belongs to my husband.

“You let all the flies in,” Gerald tsked as they marched past him through the open front door. “That’s not polite.”

Tessa swallowed hard, staring straight ahead at the entry table lined with framed photos. A happy family. A wedding gown. Babies taking their first steps. None of the men in the pictures were Gerald or Scott. A shiver ran down her spine. This is happening.

She forced a smile. “Sorry about that. Like I said, the kids really needed to play.”

Mason pulled his arm back from her waist to wipe it across his nose and looked up to her with worried eyes. “Mom?”

“It’s okay,” she reassured him with as much fakeness as she could muster, praying he could still believe in Santa Claus. “I think Mr. Gerald has some kids upstairs. Maybe you could go play with them while we talk.” She glanced over her shoulder to give the man an innocent look.

He ran his tongue over his lips, sniffing hard, and motioned to Scott who was closing the door. “Take the kids upstairs and bring the other one back down. We’re going to have an adult only party.”

“Sounds like fun.” Scott probed Robin forward with the barrel of his gun. She moved slowly, all the color drained from her face and transparent as a ghost.

“Mommy, I don’t want to play anymore,” Emily screamed as she clung to Tessa’s side.

“Hush now baby.” Tessa dropped down to their level and held herself as steady as possible, placing their hands together. “You’re going to meet some new friends.” She turned to Mason and prayed that he would understand. “Maybe you could show them your backpacks in the truck if you ever get hungry or need something.”

“What’s in the backpacks?” Scott moved past Robin and placed the cold metal barrel of the pistol against Tessa’s head.

She focused on Mason, not showing any hint of fear as she smiled. “Toys and snacks. What else would you put in a kid’s backpack?”

“Mom,” Mason choked out the word and grabbed for her as Scott led them away. She allowed her fingers to graze his, vowing this wouldn’t be the last time she touched his hand.

“About that party.” Tessa turned, batting her long eyelashes as she sized Gerald up. He sniffed again, white dust clinging to his nostrils, as he watched her rise to her full height. She kept her head lowered, a soft smile on her lips, eyes widened just so. Not intimidating. Not a threat.

He cracked a crooked smile. “So Mama wants to play?”

“Tessa,” Robin said her name as a whispered warning, frightened beyond belief to follow her through the doors into the sitting room.

“I’ve got this,” Tessa whispered back, pushing all doubt from her mind. There is no other choice. And in that moment, she became someone else. Uninhibited and sexy and strong. Drawing on memories of the past, when she was young and dumb without a care in the world, she strode across the room to the couch Gerald directed them to with his gun.

His eyes lit up with amusement, watching Tessa’s every move as she sank onto the cushion and crossed her legs. Robin fell beside her with a soft whimper of fear induced anger.

“Do you want some?” Gerald laughed as he held out a glass tray with cut lines of white powder.

“No thanks.” Tessa shook her head, keeping her tone giddy and flirtatious. “I don’t feel like being numb today.”

Gerald’s smile brightened even as he tightened the grip on his gun. He took two long steps across the room and angled the barrel toward her chest. “What are you playing at?”
