Page 34 of Take My Hand

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Sighing, I shake my head and say, “He dropped me off at the gas station and told me to walk. There wasn’t much information given except that he was using me to get Jen back.”

“Where is he headed?”

“He said Nevada.”

“Nevada? Why?” She pinches her eyebrows and looks to Agent Dimples.

I shrug. “He said G3 is headed there. He thinks he can get to them there.”

She stares at me, probably wondering how accurate the information is. “He’s still trying to stop them?”

“Yes. He told me he had a problem communicating with the FBI—with you guys—and he had to go out on his own. That’s why I’m here in the first place, because he couldn’t ask for help when he was exposed.”

Agent James stands and starts pacing, looking at Agent Dimples, whose expression conveys concern. She turns on me and says, “If he goes there, there is a good chance they’ll kill him before we can stop it. We think they know who he is.”

What she says makes my stomach turn, and panic grips me. “Well, stop him then!”

“I can’t. I have no way to reach him.”

“Well, there has to be something you can do! You’re the FBI, for crying out loud.” I practically shout it at her, and then I look at Agent Dimples as he approaches me.

“Calm down. Is there anything else you can tell us?” His eyes watch me, presumably trying to determine if I’m lying or not.

“No. I mean, I don’t think so.” Tears unexpectedly well in my eyes when I think of what could happen to Liam. Leaving me behind or not, I don’t want him to die.

“What about names? Did he tell you any names?” I think hard, remembering what he told me after Agent Dimples found me the first time. I tell them Ricardo and Rafeal’s names and then relay the Russian’s names that Liam’s mentioned and look at him again as he sucks in a sharp breath. “Are they bad?” I ask helplessly.

Agent James is on the phone with someone, speaking frantically. Agent Dimples takes my arm and has started ushering me out the door when the front door explodes.

I land on my ass, dust and smoke clouding my vision and the ringing in my ears preventing me from hearing anything anyone’s saying. I look around and see that a good portion of the house is missing, not just the front door. I look to my left and see Agent James’s body on the floor; I don’t see her move at all. To my right, his hand still outstretched toward me, is Agent Dimples. His eyes are closed, and he’s not moving either.

I start crawling toward him then hands grab under my arms and lift me up. I’m thrown in the air, and the abruptness of it makes my head spin. Before I can question anything, the world slips from my grasp, and the last thing I see is two unconscious agents who didn’t stand a chance.
