Page 11 of Beautifully Wounded

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“The pleasure’s mine, ah, Le … um, Lana.”

She pulled her hand back and tucked her hair behind her ear. “Just Lana.”

“Okay, just Lana, then.”

She nodded.

“You’ve got some talent, Lana.”

“Thanks. I played all through high school and played in a band later. We had a few gigs in some minor clubs back in Medford until ...” She trailed off, lowered her eyes, and became silent. I figured she wasn’t willing to reveal too much information, not even her real name.

“You’re welcome to jam with us any night, or are you just passing through?” I poured myself a cup of coffee. I wasn’t accustomed to having a swig of whiskey in the morning, and I decided that I had a busy day ahead and needed a clear mind.

“No, I haven’t given it much thought, but yeah, I’m just passing through ... I think.” Then she grabbed at her side and cringed with discomfort.

“Look, um ... Lana, I can tell you’re in pain, and I can also tell you’re scared. No one here will hurt you. But, you know, I have a friend, his name’s Doc. He could take a look at your injuries if you want.”

“No. No doctors. I can’t.”

“It’s okay. Doc’s not really a doctor. But we call him Doc. His real name is Jon Doctrill. We’ve called him Doc since we were kids. He had a short stint in the Army—medical unit—after he’d gone through pre-med. After his term in Iraq, he decided to shine on the medical career. Said he’d seen enough blood for one lifetime. Now he sort of hangs out around here and plays in the band when he’s not risking his life for the fire department. I’m sure he’d be happy to take a look, make sure nothing’s broken.”

“No. I can’t ask you to do that. I’ll be fine. Besides, I should be going.”

“Yeah ... I know,” I said softly and leaned closer to her, my forearm resting on the bar. I didn’t want her to leave. “But it’s no trouble. Really. He’s due in here any minute anyway, and he owes me,” I lied. Jon wasn’t expected to come in, but he did owe me.

“How about I give him a call, get him here a bit sooner. Let him check out your eye and your side. You can barely move. Then, if you want, you can be on your way. No questions asked. If nothing else, at least he can give you some pain meds. He seems to have a never-ending supply.”

“No, really, I can’t. You’re kind, but no, thanks.”

She started to get up to leave, and I laid my hand on hers and looked into her eyes. “Please, Lana. Let me help you.”

She paused and sat back down. “I don’t know. I could use a few pain meds, I guess. Are you sure he won’t mind?”

“I promise, and you won’t even have to pay him.”

“Are you always in the habit of rescuing women?”

“Yeah, I’m a real boy scout. Yesterday I helped poor old Mrs. Feeney across the street, and if you stick around, I’ll show you how to build a fire from a few twigs and a rock.”

She chuckled and grabbed at her side.

“I really did help Mrs. Feeney. But not across the street. It was more like rescuing her cat from a tree branch that was too high for her to reach. But as far as the fire goes, we’ll have to use matches.” That made her laugh out loud, which in turn caused her to clutch at her side and moan. It seemed I was doing nothing but causing this poor girl more pain.

As I dialed Doc’s number, I glanced over at Lana, glad for once that someone left the portable phone at the far end of the bar, which gave me an excuse to walk away to talk in private.

“Hey, Doc. Glad you’re in.”

“What’s up, Jack? I was just on my way down there.”

“Guess I didn’t lie after all.”


“Never mind. Listen. Bring your medical bag with you. There’s a girl here I want you to check out.”

“A girl? What, you want me to check to make sure she’s a safe lay? Come on, Jack, I don’t give physicals. Tell her to go see a doctor.”

I glanced back at Lana and whispered, “She’s in pretty bad shape, Doc. I think she may have a bruised rib, maybe cracked. She said she was in a car accident, but she’s scared and doesn’t want any doctors. She won’t say why, but … I think she was beaten up, maybe even raped.”
