Page 13 of Beautifully Wounded

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“Really, Doc? She said she was in a car accident.”

Doc shot Jackson an apologetic look. “Sorry, it’s the way these bruises are shaped, I assumed ... sorry, I had to ask.”

“I’m sure Lana knows the law concerning rape, Doc. Of course, they would need a sample of the semen to prosecute. Right, Lana?”

I understood what Jackson was getting at. He was stating the law for my benefit. He didn’t believe my accident story any more than Doc did. Could he think I was that ignorant? Of course, he could. He didn’t know me.

I smiled at Jackson and appreciated how he stayed with his back to us while Doc examined me. “It’s okay. No, there isn’t,” I said, remembering how Troy had lost his erection in the middle of what he deemed lovemaking. At least that was something I didn’t need to lie about.

“How long ago did this happen?” Doc asked.

“Um …” I didn’t know what to say. I hadn’t planned on being questioned by anyone. I’d planned on hiding out somewhere quiet until my wounds healed, but now that I realized how badly I looked, I knew that the little bit of money I had would never make it until then. “Early this morning ... I was in a friend’s car. We pulled out of the driveway, and bam, a truck smacked right into my side of the back of our SUV. We were on our way to visit friends. My friend decided to stay home and get their car fixed, so I left on my own. I’ve been driving for about six hours since I think.” Disbelief settled over both of their faces, and they glanced at each other, but I continued with my ruse.

Doc didn’t mention anything else about my condition or the fact that I was completely naked under my coat.

“Well, an X-ray would be helpful, but rib fractures don’t always show up on X-ray. You don’t seem to be having too much difficulty breathing, which would indicate that there’s not too much damage. I’d say your ribs are most likely badly bruised, but not too bad. You should avoid taking too many deep breaths, as those will only aggravate your injuries more. You’ll want to keep ice on that eye, and some on your head. Jackson can help you to do that.” He glanced at Jackson, and he nodded. “I have something for the pain, but you shouldn’t drive while taking it. You shouldn’t travel anywhere for a while. A little bed rest, and you’ll be good as new.”

I wasn’t sure what to do at that point. I didn’t have any place to go. “Thanks,” I said, and I dropped my head in my hands to think.

Jackson cleared his throat and said, “We’ll be out here. Come out when you’re ready.” He nodded to Doc and tilted his head toward the door as they stepped out.
