Page 28 of Beautifully Wounded

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“Sure, sure, no problem. Talk to you in a few.”

I hung up and called Brodie.

“Brodie, how’s it going?” I considered asking Brodie to call one of his cuties to borrow some clothes for Lena and then decided to buy her something new instead. That would be better. The fewer people that knew about her, the better.

“Good, not too busy here. Are you coming in today?”

“Not today, maybe tonight. I haven’t decided yet.”

“Oh, your ‘fawn’ is keeping you occupied, I guess.” I could picture Brodie’s eyebrows wiggling as he made his little joke.

“Yeah, you could say that. Listen, I know I told you this before, but I want to make sure. Don’t tell anyone about Lana, okay? And if anyone comes in asking about her or someone that looks like her, well, you don’t know anything and never saw her.”

“Jack, what’s going on? Is she in some sort of trouble?”

“You might say that.”

“It’s more than just abuse, isn’t it?”

“Yeah, I’ll fill you in some other time.”


“Yeah, Brodie, I know. I’ll be careful.”

I no sooner hung up from calling Brodie when the phone rang again. It was Luke.

“Hey, Jack, I got some information on that guy you asked about. Troy Harington. He didn’t show up to work last Tuesday or Wednesday.” My heart sank to the bottom of my chest.

“He called in sick, said he had the flu.”

“Really?” I said, full of new hope. “Then he’s alive.”

“What do you mean, then he’s alive? What have you gotten yourself mixed up in?”

“Me? Nothing. I’m looking out for a friend of mine. A girl. It’s good to hear he’s okay.”

“Yeah, the funny thing is, though, his boss said he heard the sound of voices over a loudspeaker in the background when Troy had called in sick. He said it sounded a lot like hospital voices. He asked if he was in the hospital, but Troy said no. So, I made a couple of calls to several of the local emergency rooms. Medford Mercy told me he’d been in there with a wound to the side of his abdomen, just missing his liver; it took the doctor fourteen stitches to sew him up. The guy said a garage door hinge flew into him while he was repairing it. Came in with the metal still stuck in his gut.”

“Thanks, Luke. Out of curiosity, how did you get Mercy hospital to give you the information on him?”

“Oh, good thing for you, I sort of have a thing going on with a cute little nurse over there. She said the guy was a real jerk. ‘Scum of the earth’ were her exact words. So what’s this about, Jackson? You can trust me. You know I’ll help in any way I can.”

“Yeah, I know. This guy beat up a friend of mine. He’s her husband. She’s scared and doesn’t want to press charges.”

“Okay. Well, I know she’s in good hands with you. Let me know if she decides to file a complaint. Sounds like she needs a divorce, too.”

“Yeah.” Wouldn’t that be nice, I thought. “Thanks, Luke. I owe you one. I’ll call you to file a restraining order against the guy as soon as I get some pictures and a police report filed if she agrees.”

“No problem. Hey, it sounds like you’re looking to get into the P.I. business. What’s the matter, the music world not cutting it for you?”

“Naw. Music’s my life. You know that. I’m just looking out for a friend. I’ll try and email those pictures to you by this afternoon.”

“I knew there had to be a female in the mix here somewhere. Keep me posted,” Luke said, chuckling as he hung up the phone.

Well, great! Lena didn’t kill the bastard. Unfortunately, though, she was married—to a scumbag—but still, married.

Now I had to find a way to tell her so she wouldn’t be upset with me for checking.
