Page 61 of Beautifully Wounded

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They finally stopped groping each other, and Lena turned toward the rest of us. “Jackson, this is Wesley, um … Weezer, my friend from Medford. Weezer, this is Jackson, his brother Brodie, and that’s Derrick behind the bar. How did you find me?”

“Long story, but it was Gabby. What did you do to your hair? I almost didn’t recognize you. I like it. And I see you added something else too. I like the tat.”

“It stings a little still. I just got it this morning.”

I had to admit I’d been relieved to find out who this guy was. Lena had mentioned him more than once.

“How did Gabby know where I was?” she asked, a twinge of panic evident in her voice. I knew from what Lena had told me that Gabby was short for their mutual friend Gabrielle, who sang backup with the band she used to play with.

“Can we go sit and talk in private?” Weezer asked in a low tone.

“Yeah. Um … Jackson knows everything. I don’t keep any secrets from him.”

Weezer raised an eyebrow and shrugged. “Okay.”

“I’ll get some coffee and bring it over,” Brodie offered, which surprised me. Was my brother finally accepting that Lena was here to stay? Or maybe he thought someone was here to take her away and was happy to help. I wasn’t sure.

“You look good, Lena. Someone must be taking excellent care of you.” His eyes shot to me. “I approve,” he added with a smile, which quickly turned to a frown when he turned his attention back to her. “Listen, as much as I would love this to be just a chance meeting; it’s not. I’ve been looking for you.”


“To warn you.”

Lena tensed and pressed her lips in a tight line. “Warn me about what?”

“Troy. I wanted to come and let you know that he might know where you are. I don’t know for sure. Gabby was on vacation with her boyfriend last month or so. They’d been camping around this area. I think by the lake. They’d heard about the parade and decided to check it out. She saw you. She didn’t know that you’d left Troy. And she didn’t know anything about what had happened. I never told her since you asked me not to tell anyone. After seeing you, or thought she had, she ran into Troy one night and mentioned that she thought she saw you at a parade here in Turtle Lake. She told him that she called out to you, but you didn’t stop, so she figured maybe it wasn’t you after all. She asked Troy if you were out of town, but he didn’t confirm it, just sort of shrugged and smiled at her. When she mentioned that she wanted to visit you since she hadn’t seen you for a while, he told her you were out of town, visiting your brother. That’s when she became suspicious. She knew you didn’t have a brother. She came to me two days ago and told me.”

“They’re divorced now,” I said with confidence.

“Well, congratulations on that, sweet thing. Troy didn’t mention that to Gabby. So, I’m guessing he’s not too happy about it.”

Brodie showed up with the coffee and sat down. I looked at him. “What are you doing?”

“I heard what he said, and I want to help.”


“You’re my brother, and she’s your girlfriend. I want to help.”

I nodded and patted him on the shoulder. “Thanks.”

Weezer continued, “It only took me two days to find you, and I was speeding most of the time. I left Medford twenty minutes after Gabby told me. That was two hours after she’d spoken to Troy.”

“Let’s go home.” I stood and helped Lena up.

She hugged Weezer. “Thank you. You’d better not stick around here. If Troy does come in here looking for me and sees you, I’m afraid of what he might do, Weezer. Promise me you’ll leave and go home.”

“I’m leaving. I’m not going home for a while, though. I thought I’d take a little vacation of my own. My sister lives in Southern California. She had a baby boy about a month ago that I haven’t seen yet. I’m an uncle, and I’m going to go see my nephew.” He beamed with a proud smile. Then he glanced at me. “You take care of our girl.”

“Don’t worry. I will.” I hoped I would be able to keep that promise.

“Congratulations, Weezer, and thanks again. You’re the best.”

Weezer walked out the front door, and we headed to the back. That’s where I always parked. “Derrick, lock up early tonight. If anyone comes in asking for Lana, or Lena, or me, tell them you never heard of us.”

“Call Doc, ask him to come by and play bouncer.” Derrick’s eyebrows rose. “Will do, boss. Anything I should be aware of?”

“Yeah, Lena’s ex is a bastard that won’t take no for an answer.”

“Lena? I thought her name was Lana.”

“It’s both, but keep that to yourself,” I yelled as we hurried out the door, wishing I hadn’t screwed up her name.
