Page 63 of Beautifully Wounded

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Chapter Forty-Three


There was nothing for Brodie to do, so he went back to the bar to check on things there. He’d called in earlier and spoke to Doc, and to my relief, nobody had come in asking about Lena or Lana. So, I relaxed a bit but didn’t want to let my guard down too much.

I needed to get some stuff out of storage; some snow clothes, gloves, and other accessories like a hat and pants. I was looking forward to teaching Lena how to ski. But I decided I’d go later after Brodie came home. I didn’t want to leave her alone.

When she came in through the back door, I did a double-take. I thought my eyes were playing tricks on me as she walked through the door in a dress. The way the descending sun radiated around her body made her glow like the angel I knew she was. “Wow. You look beautiful.”

“Thank you.”

“You’re welcome, but why are you wearing a dress? I thought you were packing for our trip.”

“I packed. We won’t be leaving until tomorrow, right?”

I nodded.

“Well, I thought it would be nice to make tonight special. I haven’t had a chance to wear this yet.”

“Lena, you’ll have plenty of chances to wear it later.”

“But we’re going someplace where it snows. And this isn’t exactly a cold-weather outfit.”

“Well, you do look beautiful. Are you cold?” I rubbed my hands up her bare arms.

“Maybe a little. But I have you to keep me warm.”

“That you do. That you do.” I kissed her softly. Her hands roamed over my back and up into my hair. I loved having her fingers tangled in my hair. I decided right then never to cut it short again. I kissed my way down her neck, licking and kissing at her pulse. My own heart pounded against my chest. This dress wasn’t going to stay on very long, and I snaked my hand up her warm bare thigh. Two minutes later, we were back in my room, rolling around on the bed, the dress in a heap on the floor, and all thoughts of that creep of an ex looking for her blurred away.

* * *

“My dress is all wrinkled now,”Lena complained, picking it up and stepping back into it.

“Sorry, I lost control.” I grinned, pulling my jeans back up.

She smiled, her lips still swollen from my kisses. I rubbed my chin, realizing I hadn’t shaved that morning. Admittedly, I didn’t have the toughest beard, but still, the little stubbles I did have managed to make her face a bit pink around her mouth. “I should have shaved this morning.”

She touched her fingers to my lips and stepped into me. “I didn’t notice.”

“I think your lips did. Your mouth is all puffy. I’ll go shave now, so when I kiss you later tonight, I’ll be all smooth.”

“Hmmm … I’m looking forward to that.”

“My smoothness or my kisses?

“Your kisses. Your stubbles don’t bother me. Nothing bothers me when you’re kissing me.” She slipped her arms around my neck and shimmied her body against mine.

“Woman, you better step back and stop talking that way, or I’m going to have to remove your dress again.”

She giggled. “Is that a promise or a threat?”

“I’d never threaten you.” Not like that ass wipe ex of hers. Shit, we’d taken a big chance making love just now, but I thought that it might have helped keep Lena from being too scared. But we needed to be more careful.

My cell phone rang as Brodie’s name showed up on the screen. “It’s Brodie. I better answer it.” I pushed the button and walked into the bathroom to start shaving while I talked. “Yeah, we’ll be leaving in the morning.” I turned to see Lena head toward the door. “Don’t go anywhere.”

She rolled her eyes and put her hands on her hips.

“Hold on, Brodie. Sweetheart, I don’t want to sound like a dominating prick, but I need you to stay safe. I’d never forgive myself if something happened to you.”

“I’m only going to the kitchen.”
