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‘Busy. OK. I didn’t know we were too busy for each other.’ He looked hurt.

Her lip wobbled. ‘Neither did I – but clearly you’re busy too.’

He looked confused. ‘No, I’m not. Unless you mean the job at the village shop.’

‘Yes, also with your new friends.’

He looked confused again. ‘New friends?’

This was too much – now he was lying to her! ‘Yes! I saw you,’ she hissed, ‘with your girlfriend, how could you not even tell me about her, I thought we told each other everything.’

‘New girlfriend?’ he mouthed in confusion. Then suddenly his face cleared and he said, ‘You mean, Josianne.’

Josianne. The name slithered in her soul. She glared at him. ‘How would I know what her name was? Like I said you never even told me about her.’

He stared at her, then blinked. Suddenly a smile of realisation and sheer delight broke across his face. ‘She only works there on Mondays – so that’s what happened, you saw her and thought – what?’

‘I saw her and thought—’ she blushed, her throat turned dry, ‘that you were keeping a big part of your life from me, and I thought well, as we are best friends, and that I was surprised…’

‘Oh, you were surprised?’

She frowned at him. ‘Fine, I was hurt.’


‘Can you stop repeating everything I say?’ she hissed.

‘So you were jealous?’ he said, looking at her from the side.

‘No! I mean, yes, no… Why are you looking at me like that?’ she snapped.

‘Like what?’

‘I don’t know… You look so – so – happy.’

‘I’m thrilled,’ he said, grinning so wide that his dimples showed. His brown eyes danced. She wondered when he’d become this handsome. It annoyed her too.

‘You’re thrilled?’ she said in confusion. ‘That I’m jealous?’

‘Yes. Josianne is not my girlfriend, by the way.’

Then he darted forward and kissed her.

She blinked, touching her lips, speechless.

‘I’ve been waiting for ages for you to catch up.’

‘Catch up?’

He touched her face, and she found herself leaning towards his touch, like she was being pulled by a magnet.

‘To realise you were in love with me.’

‘But that’s not – I don’t – wait…’ she fumbled. ‘You’ve been waiting, why?’

‘Because unlike you, I’ve known I was in love with you since the first day I met you.’
