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‘Speaking!’ she replied, breathless.

‘Ah, yes. This is Sister Agnes from the Abbey de Saint-Michel, calling about your enquiry?’

‘Yes,’ she responded quickly, sitting up straight, and ignoring the customer who was patiently waiting for her to check out his book. She signalled for one of the other librarians to take over. She didn’t even notice when the customer shot her an affronted look.

‘Well,’ said Sister Agnes, ‘I apologise for taking so long to get back to you. But the sister who was here when the child you mentioned was born is on a silent week – this is when the nuns take a vow of silence for a period. She has managed to indicate, however, that should you wish to speak with her about it, she will do when her vow is over, next week on Wednesday.’

‘Should I call her then?’

‘I think it is best that you come here if you can.’

Sabine blinked. Yes, actually, she thought, that probably would be best.

‘I’ll be there then,’ she said in some surprise to herself.

‘Very well,’ said the nun. ‘Sister Augustine will see you then.’
