Page 21 of Fallen

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“I told you until you answer my damn questions, you are not leaving this room.”

My hands curl into a fist. I want to punch him hard for treating me like this.

“It’s a birthmark,” I shout. “Happy? Now can I go?”

Aarav pulls an envelope from the same table where the wine bottle is. He takes out a photo of my childhood and shows it to me.

“This scar wasn’t there on your body until last two years. So, don’t even think of lying to me. I’m asking you again, how did you get this scar? Did you meet an accident? Car accident?”

Damn hell!! He has been stalking over my past life too? This envelope has numerous pictures of my childhood to date. And wait, did he say car accident? Does he think I got this scar because of a car accident? My mind quickly relates what exactly he tries to imply here and it enrages me. I rise on my feet.

“You are sick, Aarav. You're going too far by eavesdropping on my personal life to find hints that could indicate I'm your wife. She met with a car accident two years ago, right? And only because you see this scar on my body which you have no clue about, you probably just guessed that it was caused by an accident, and thus I may be your Jhanvi? That’s ridiculous. This discussion ends here. Right now.”

I grab my small clutch and march to the door. This time he doesn't follow me.

“Avoiding me is futile, Khushi Thakur. What happens between us hereon, will blow your mind.”

My footsteps falter at his threats. It’s high time I give him an earful. I whirl around to meet his domineering gaze which hasn’t stopped checking me out either ever since I came here.

“You have many misconceptions, Aarav. I am not avoiding you; I am keeping you at a distance because you look no less than a maniac to me who can’t see the simple difference between his dead wife and a stranger. I am Khushi Thakur and I have nothing to do with you and being your wife. My identity proofs are all over the tabloids in the USA which shows I have a history. A history which includes Rudra Singh and he is the only one to whom I belong. I am not yours nor I ever would be.”

A half-smile plays at his lips.

“You became mine the moment you stepped inside this room tonight. If you leave this room now, I am starting a war. And it won't end until you are in my arms again. So, choose your steps wisely.”

War. Did he really say that? He’s gone insane.

“Bring on the war, Aarav Raichand. I am ready.”

There’s just no denying that I am a little nervous by his threats but pretending I don’t care what he does after this, I march out of the room, with my head held high and my heart beating frantically. It’s hard to take Aarav’s threats lightly because I can feel that man is capable of burning down the world to make his point.

Instead of heading for Rudra, I stride out of the hotel to my car and ask the driver to take me back home. But I don't miss messaging Rudra and lying that I'm sick, so the dinner date is cancelled. His response is immediate. Rudra asks me to rest at home and I know that’s the last thing I can do right now because my head is spinning thinking what Aarav Raichand would do next? Here I am busy taking over his Company clients and projects while he is trying to find the connection between me and his wife? What a mess!!



Khushi Thakur behaved just like I’d expected her to. I know she is not unanswerable to me for anything but I had every damn reason to confront her about that scar on her forehead which was one of Akash’s recent findings.

Akash arrived at AR mansion this morning with these photos of Khushi Thakur dating back to her childhood, as well as the one taken lately at one of the parties where he pointed out the scar. She didn't have it in any of the photographs he could get his hands on previously.This scar seemed like it was caused by a serious accident, so I had to ask Khushi herself how she got it. Akash has connections all over the world who are currently tracing the specifics of Khushi Thakur's prior life in the United States, as well as checking to see if there is any connection between her travel to Scotland during the same time when I and Jhanvi were on a holiday. I couldn't wait for Akash to acquire these details. So as soon as I found out Khushi was coming to Taj tonight for a dinner date with Rudra, I hijacked her to my suite for getting these answers from the woman herself. But as expected she refrained from letting me know anything before walking out of that door.

What stunned me the most is that I challenged her of starting an unstoppable war until she was in my arms again. I almost declared her to be mine and mine only without even being sure yet that she was really Jhanvi. How could I do that?

But never mind. With each passing day, my intuition of her being my Jhanvi had intensified and the urge to get her back to me burned my soul. Which meant under no circumstances I’m letting her stay close to that Rudra Singh for long.


Raichand Mansion

This is the same house where my grandmother Durga Raichand never let my mother take her rightful place, but now things have changed and though my mother is no longer alive to be blessed with this opportunity, I am the rightful heir to everything that belongs to the Raichand family so far.

Mohit, my stepbrother, greets me as soon as I enter the opulent living room.

“What a lovely surprise, Aarav. You came alone? Where is Aarvi?”

“She’s on a playdate with Amaya,” I answer him, giving a quick handshake. “Where is Daadi?”

“She’s resting in her room. Go see her. She’ll be happy.”
