Page 37 of Fallen

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“I don’t want your charity, Jaan.”

His words prick my heart.

“Can’t you keep your personal and professional lives different? I genuinely wanted to do something for that Trust.”

“Then come on board and handle it like you used to before.”

Once again, he is suggesting something I can’t. I am not Jhanvi, to handle that Trust anymore nor am I interested. But taking the money back from him is not my style either. So, I do what I think is best in this situation. I tear the cheque and throw the pieces in the air. His gaze sparkles with amusement while I cross my arms waiting for him to respond to my actions. A dark smile pulls on his lips as he returns to the phone and dials someone again.

“Ask the accounts team to transfer a sum of twenty lakh rupees to Khushi Thakur’s bank account. Right away.”

“What?” I snap. “Aarav don’t.”

He disconnects the call, while his gaze still holds mine. I can’t believe how he always has a solution to all my actions? I march to him and hold his shirt collar. Anger bubbles inside me.

“Who do you think you are to do that?” I grit my teeth.

“Your f*cking husband.” And his lips latch with mine. It’s absurd that he is kissing me to sort out our clashing anger. With his grip tight on my thick ponytail, Aarav presses himself to my body, kissing me hard. I don’t part my lips yet nor does he urge me to. It’s more of a punishing kiss, too distracting, too fascinating. I ball my fists to punch his chest, but before I can push him away, Aarav leaves me with a slight jerk. “Get out,” he barks at me, infuriating my anger to another level.

Before he can turn away from me, I grip his collar tight and pull him back to me.

“Who said I am done?” Saying that I crash my lips with his again with full force, catching him off guard.

Sometimes satisfying your ego becomes more important than everything else and I’m doing the same. I suck his lower lips and by the time he registers what’s happening and tries to kiss me back, I bite his lower lip and push him hard with a jerk. Blood drop oozes out of his lip as a result of my bite but that doesn't bother him. We were both punishing each other for our own reasons. With his dark pupils, Aarav stares at me as if he hadn’t expected me to do so. But just a second later he grins like a fool, annoying me further. I didn’t expect that. I wanted him to be mad at me for giving him a tit-for-tat but it seems like I made a fool out of myself by choosing the wrong situation to give him back.

Maybe I should leave before this turns even more ugly. But the immediate second, Aarav grabs my wrist and pulls me closer to his body again. Oh god, what is he doing now? He brings my index finger to his bruised lips to swipe that blood drop from it and only when I think he is done, Aarav puts my bloodied index finger in his mouth, licking his own blood. My pulse hammers as he takes his own time to suck my finger keeping his gaze steady on mine. It’s arousing to watch him do that. My body clenches as he licks my finger with his tongue and I feel the ache right in my lower body. He is not sucking my finger but draining me of all my thoughts that want me to stay away from him. Aarav is stealing every ounce of energy left in my body, turning me defenseless and at his mercy. Nothing has ever been hotter than Aarav Raichand licking and sucking my finger and it’s the most intimate thing for me to even imagine with him. A tiny moan threatens to escape my throat but I swallow it whole and pull my finger from his mouth.

What the hell am I doing? Just last night, I had assured Rudra that I’ll be careful henceforth in dealing with Aarav and avoid closeness, but here I am defying my own promises. What is this man doing to me and my body? Why do I always become so vulnerable when he is around? Why does his obsession towards me lure me so much? Why does his gaze never fail to penetrate right through my soul and hypnotize me? His one touch and my body crave for more. If this continues, the day isn’t far when I’ll give this man my heart, body and soul, irrespective of the fact that I am his wife, Jhanvi or not.

“Keep looking at me like that and I’m kissing you again, Jaan. So, walk away when you have a chance.”

I take his warning seriously not because I know what he is capable of, but because I lose all my capabilities around him. Aarav Raichand has the power to strip me off my intentions and abilities just by his one look.

I rush to the door, promising never to come back here, at least not until I guard my heart and mind to fight back this deep attraction I have for Aarav. It’s a waste to even think about how I’m going to face Rudra again. Whatever is happening between me and Aarav is tampering that little thread that has kept me bonded with Rudra yet. If I don’t prepare my defenses well, it’s going to wreck my whole world.



I can’t believe I kissed Aarav again. How could I do that? I had been there at his office to confront him about why he fed Rudra’s ears about our vulnerable intimacy moment. But his anger and my ego made us repeat what I wanted to end between us. Every time he is close, my heart fails to be in my control. If this doesn't stop, I might lose everything I have built so far both in my personal and professional life. It’s high time I take some constructive decisions to safeguard myself from acting so vulnerable before Aarav Raichand in future and the only way to do so is to step back a bit.

When I reach home after meeting Aarav, Rudra is already there, speaking on the phone to his father. As soon as I enter, he waves at me to hurry and then passes me the phone to speak to his dad, Ratan Singh.

“Hello Uncle,” I say, faking a smile at Rudra. Even meeting his eyes embarrasses me now.

“Khushi, how are you, my child? I heard about your efforts in bagging the MKB deal. Good work. Congratulations.”

“Thank you,” I murmur and the very instant I recall how this deal has affected Aarav and in turn the Sikand Charity Trust.

“You are such a wonderful asset to our company, Khushi. I really don’t know where you hid this talent before. After your surgery, you have been working so smart as if it has polished your nerves related to your professional abilities.”

He laughs at his own words while I scratch my finger which suddenly itches.

“Uncle, when are you coming to India?” I divert the topic.

“Oh no no. I am not coming there. You and Rudra wind things up and head back to New York soon. We have so much to do here once you are back. Rudra told me about your wedding plans. He has already started dreaming about your marriage.”

An ache pulses in my heart. Here Rudra is planning our wedding after we reach the USA and what am I doing? Kissing Aarav Raichand, madly andpassionatelyas I belong only to him. I somehow wind up the talks with Rudra’s father and then disconnect the call only to scratch my finger again.
