Page 39 of Fallen

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I roll my eyes at his silliness.

“You want to gift me and instead of buying it yourself and surprising me, you got me here to pick the gift myself?”

Rudra frowns.

“You don’t remember what happened when I gifted you a purple dress last time? Didn’t want to risk the same thing again.”

I remember what he is talking about. On my last birthday, Rudra gifted me a purple gown and though it was elegant, I didn’t like it. Another reason why I am suspicious of my identity is because according to Sakshi, Purple is my favorite color. Why don’t I like it anymore then?

Rudra grips my hand.

“The surgery has changed your likes and I don’t want to gift you something you don’t prefer wearing anymore. So, come on now. Let’s get you some nice outfits. We have a party next week to attend.”

Without debating, and ignoring all other thoughts, I get down from the car and we head to the fashion boutique on the third floor. I pick a few dresses mostly black and Rudra scrunches his nose.

“Again black?” he asks.

“I am obsessed with black,” I wink at him and then march to the dressing room to try them on. The salesgirl keeps following me to assist me if I need. She waits outside the dressing room, giving me privacy to try on these clothes. I wear the first black gown. It’s satin and netted on the back. Good but not the kind that can allure me. Peeling that dress off my body, I wear the next one. It’s a black mid-thigh bodycon, fitting perfectly on my curves. It’s sexy, stylish and completely the type I usually go for. I try to zip the dress to see the fitting but the zip is stuck and despite all my attempts, I’m unable to zip my dress. Seems like I’ll need assistance from the sales girl here.

I unlock the door.

“Can you please come inside and help me fasten my dress?” I say before turning to the pile of other dresses almost lying on the small cushioned stool inside.

Just when I raise my eyes and look in the mirror, I see Aarav leaning to the door, which is locked from inside, and staring intently at my face in the mirror reflection.

“You? How dare you?” I shout turning around but the next instant, Aarav closes the gap between us, shuts my mouth with his palm and pins me to the mirror behind. A shiver runs through my body as the cool glass of the mirror touches my bare back. Thankfully, since he has pinned me to the mirror, he can’t see it much.

“Relax,” he murmurs.

I shove his arm away. “Relax my foot, Aarav. This is heights of stalking. Do you even realize this is a changing room and you can’t just walk in here?”

“You called me inside. I was patiently waiting for you out so far,” he grins and my jaw drops.

“You… you were waiting out? Where… where is Rudra? What did you do with him?”

Whenever I get defensive, I always clutch his collar and this is only something I do with Aarav Raichand. I have never shown such traits to anyone else before him.

“I didn’t have to do anything. He is flirting outside with another sales girl. Can you imagine that?”

Rudra is flirting? That’s impossible.

“What kind of man you got engaged to, Jaan? I suggest you ditch him soon and come back to the man whom you always belonged to.”

“Shut up and just leave. You are invading my personal space.”

He closes the distance between us again and before I can stop him, Aarav pulls me closer by sliding his arm around my waist. He leans at my earlobe to whisper and my eyes automatically shut.

“There has been no personal space between you and me. Whatever we had wasourspace, Jaan. Yours and mine. Together.”

Another shiver ghosted through me as I feel Aarav’s fingers playing with the zip of my dress on my lower back. As he slowly pulls it up, inch by inch, his knuckles brush with my skin creating ripples of pleasure in my body. I always tend to lose control when Aarav is this close to me. It’s a sickening heady feeling which is hard to control. The already small room grows smaller as he pins me to the mirror again and admires me openly as if I am wearing this black dress for his eyes to see.. for his fingers to touch.. for his gaze to hold.

“Black, your all-time favorite color.”

Is it? Black is Jhanvi’s favorite color? Is that why I am so fond of this color? My body blooms with the thought that I belong to him but my head takes control almost immediately.

“Get out of here, Aarav. Before I call up Rudra, and the security and they throw you out for getting inside the changing room while I was dressing up.”

His gaze flicks on my face, heavy and emotionless. I wonder how quickly he transitions from a man in love to a man who is at war.
