Page 4 of Theirs

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“Hi,” I say when Mimi leaves us. “I’m Megan.”

“Pretty name for a pretty face,” says Mr. Blue Eyes. The other two both have autumn brown eyes.

“Thank you.”

“I’m Cristiano, and this is Levi and Knox.” He points to the other two guys, respectively.

Levi is taller than Knox. Judging from the sculpt of his body, he looks like he’s lived in a gym all his life. Knox and Cristiano, on the other hand, look like they’ve served in the marines. They are each so ridiculously gorgeous I’m having a hard time looking away from them.

“Hello.” I give them each a smile.

“Hello, Goddess.” Levi winks at me.

“Buona serata.” Knox dips his head and makes a point of staring at my breasts. He has gorgeous, kissable lips. The kind you could sink into and kiss forever.

“Do you speak Italian?” Cristiano asks, drawing my attention back to him. His gaze drops from my face and goes straight to my pussy.

The scandalous look he gives me evokes an immediate reaction from my body. It takes me by surprise because moisture is gathering between my thighs as if I’ve been starved for sex for years.

I almost forget what he asked me until his gaze flicks back up to mine, and he arches a stern brow.

Italian. Do I speak it?Not a damn bit which is terrible considering I’ve worked with Italians for years.

“No. I wish I did.”

“That’s no problem for us.” Knox states.

“Come and sit with us.” Levi waves me over.

When I go to them, we sit on the leather sofa.

Knox and Levi sit on either side of me while Cristiano lowers to the chair in front. I’m completely blocked in, and I think that was by design.

“Why don’t you tell us about yourself, Megan,” Cristiano says, and I feel like I’m in an interview. I guess it is, and he’s trying to vet me to see what he wants to do with me.

What the hell do I tell him? I didn’t plan for this part. Most clients of the past just wanted to fuck me. They didn’t care about knowing me.

“I’m twenty-seven. I’ve worked here on and off for a couple of years.”

At the mention of my years of service, Cristiano glances at Knox, and the corners of his lips tip into a half smile unleashing sinful dimples.

He inclines his head to the side, and a lock of hair falls over his eye like curtains at a window. It makes me think of how people say our eyes are windows to our souls.

When I stare back at him and look deep into his eyes, I see nothing but the Prussian blue color and lust. There’s nothing else that might give away who he is.

“Can we assume that means you’re used to groups?”

“Yes.” I look at each of them and try to figure out their dynamics. I guess Cristiano is the leader of the pack because there’s an air of dominance about him. Knox has the same presence but looks like he follows Cristiano’s command. Levi looks like the silent rebel who throws you off kilter when you least expect it.

“Groups of how many?” Knox asks.

My cheeks flush. This is a different version of asking me how many men I’ve slept with. This question is how many at the same time.

“Three, with me included.”

“We’re a little different.” Cristiano smiles, and at that moment, a flicker of something in his eyes gives me a glimpse of what I think is danger.
