Page 60 of Theirs

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“Yes, you did.”

“You’re still marrying her even after everything?”

“I am. Why are you here, Grandfather? I think we said everything that needed to be said yesterday. You aren’t going to tell me what to do anymore.” I’ll also be damned if I’m going to let him marry Simona off to Lorenzo. “And Lorenzo isn’t marrying Simona. I don’t care what you say. I’m not going to allow her to suffer such a fate. I will kill his ass before you do that.”

“That’s why you’ll make a good leader.”

His words throw me and I’m not sure what to make of it. “What do you mean?”

“A good leader wouldn’t be afraid to defy my authority and he wouldn’t be afraid to turn down the empire for the woman he loves.”

I think for a moment about what he’s saying and since he seems to have seen the light, I hope this conversation goes the way I’ve always wanted.

“No, a good leader wouldn’t be afraid of any of those things.”

“That’s why it should be you.”

“Should it?”

“I’m not happy with what you did, Cristiano. I am hurt and disappointed you lied the way you did for something so important to me.”

“I am sorry. I assure you that I am. You know your opinion matters to me more than anything, but when you insisted I got married to take over the business and even considered marrying Simona off to Lorenzo, you were out of line.”

Relief floods me when he nods.

“Maybe we can fix this by forgiving each other. I’m just an old fool who wanted to see his grandson in love. And I got my wish. You looked in love just now. Although I don’t understand you sharing her with Knox and Levi.” His brows furrow slightly. “I guess I don’t have to understand it. That’s none of my business.”

“We work and it makes sense,” I try to explain. “There is love and that’s all we need.”

“Then no one can question you. I’m gathering the family tonight, so I can hand over the business to you. I hope that you, your wife-to-be and your two capos will be there.”

I smile at him and as he reaches out his hand to shake mine, I take it.

“We will.”

Everything worked out and the worry is over.

I got the business, but most of all, I got the girl too.
