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Tabatha: Where the fuck are you?

Me: Gabe sent me on an errand, but I’m walking in.

Startled, her gaze lifted and met mine as I headed toward the door. She elbowed Lock, and his gaze skittered up as well.

When I opened the door, I smiled at my brother. “I'm sorry I’m late. That errand you had me run didn't take nearly as long as you probably thought it would."

Madeline lifted a brow in confusion. "Agent Abott, I didn't think you were available. Your brother said you were tied up."

"Oh, I’m available. I just need a briefing packet."

Madeline shifted one over as if it was nothing, as if she’d expected me to be in the room. The hurt piercing my heart was so sharp I couldn't meet Gabe's eyes as I said, "Thank you."

“You're welcome. And Agent Abott, I know I told Gabe to tell you already, but your work in the Winston Isles was well done. Quick thinking in the field. You have the instincts of your mother."

The bittersweet wash of the compliment hit me like a two ton force. She’d told Gabe to tell me how well I’d done? All he'd said was how I’d messed up. He’d never told me anyone at Oversight even cared or had anything to say about my mission. I finally met his gaze, knowing the fury was clear in mine. His was more sheepish.

"That's very kind, Madeline. I was just doing my job, along with Agents King and Saint. They were great in the field."

"They said the same about you and your great leadership. You know, I’m surprised that you haven't wanted to take a more active role. You'd make a great field agent."

I blinked at her. "Well, you know, Gabe is a little overprotective."

She frowned. "Oh, I was under the impression it was you who didn't want to be in the field."

My mouth went drier than the Sahara.

He’d lied to me all this time. I had been begging him for something, and he’d told everyone that I didn’t want it. I could ruin his career with one comment. If I let my rage out, it could cause him the same kind of pain he had caused me for two years. Instead, I gave my brother the trust he refused to give me. “I think after our parents’ deaths, everything was a bit raw. But I’m more than ready now."

Her smile seemed genuine. "That's what we love to hear. Your training is exemplary. Make sure you stay and talk after the meeting."

“Yes, ma’am."

I took a seat across from Lock and kept my gaze resolutely planted forward. I wasn't supposed to be in this meeting. If Gabe had his way, he would have left me out of it, and then I wouldn't know he'd been deliberately benching me. For two goddamn years.

So much for our bonding the other night.

Madeline signaled for Gabe to resume the meeting, and he pressed on. "Team, as you can see in the briefing packet, this is everything we know on Massimo Igno, Drake Webster, and Antonio Igno. Thanks to the work our team on the ground in the Winston Isles did, we now have the opportunity to get close and move on Antonio through his son. But we're going to have to move in quickly because the Ignos have gone even more underground.

“If Webster is in fact courting Graciella Natanya , then we need to get to her before they see each other again. As outlined in your packets, Graciella will be attending an awards show in Los Angeles. That’s our shot to approach. More than likely, Webster will also try and approach her. It's the perfect opportunity to get to her first.”

Tabs raised a hand. “Is Saff making the approach?"

Gabe shook his head. "My thoughts are that you will."

Madeline frowned at that. “I think that's a mistake. It should be Agent Abott."

I watched the muscle in Gabe's jaw tick. "Saff will be occupied. She'll be on coms."

Madeline laughed. "Of course, you are ops lead, but we have an agent who not only knows the asset, she's also well acquainted with the target. It doesn't make any sense to not use her."

There went Gabe's jaw again. He had really thought to leave me out. But he was between a rock and a hard place.Madeline was here to observe. If he was making poor decisions, then they would remove him. Or worse.

I spoke up. “I'm happy to go in and make the approach. She does know me. Just a reminder though, my supposed husband and I left in rather a hurry, so our cover story would have to stick.

Gabe met my gaze, and his expression was unreadable. I couldn't tell what he was thinking. At the same time, I didn't really care. What was I supposed to say to him? You were supposed to have my back and you betrayed me? He clearly didn't give a shit about that.

Madeline said, “It's something to be discussed. For now, carry on."
