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“Yeah. Although, I will say, I don't love his fixation on Saff."

I scowled at him then. What the fuck was he doing?

Gabe's reply was tense. "What fixation?"

I stared at Lock. "Our new recruit thinks Massimo is fixated on me. That isn't accurate. We will proceed with the mission as outlined."

My brother's voice was hard. “Do we need to pull you?"

"No. And remember, I’m the lead agent in the field."

I could almost see his jaw tensing from here. "Saff, we're not taking risks with your safety."

"No, but I’m the agent in the field, so I’ll make the determination."

Lachlan scowled at me. What the hell was his problem? Everything had been fine yesterday. I'd have to ask him about it later because I did not have time for his attitude right now.

"Have we heard any chatter on our actual targets?"

Lock sighed. "No, but we've got a keen ear. All the intel so far has to do with his businesses. As far as we can tell, legitimate ones. He's doing some entertainment management thing. Presumably for Graciella, but I know the Ignos, and there's no way that's on the up and up.”

“Fine,” Gabe said. “Keep doing what you're doing. We'll find a way. We know wherever Massimo is, Drake isn't far behind."

I shivered just thinking about him. But I squared my shoulders and resolved to get my job done. My team was counting on me.

When we finished with my brother, Jax nodded at me. "Would you like more men tonight?"

"No. I know you guys have to assess security for the queen. I don't see any problems. It's a party. But obviously, have as many men there as you think you need to have."

“I'm not worried about the queen. Penny can handle herself. We're only there to make Sebastian happy. Ariel and Penny make a hell of a team on their own, so you won't have to look out for them. She may look like a fairy princess, but she's not bad at hand-to-hand combat, and she will be armed."

I blinked slowly. “I knew, she was a Royal Guard, but I guess I assumed she wasn't combat trained."

Jax and Zia chuckled. Zia's smile was broad. "Oh, you don't know Queen Penny.”

As we left Royal Elite, I couldn't shake the feeling something was wrong with Lock. Every time I snuck a glance at him, his jaw was tight, a frown marring his forehead. I headed to the driver's side, but he shook his head and scowled. “I'm driving."

I tried again. “Is there something wrong?"

"Nope. Nothing."

“You've been weird since last night."

“I'm not weird." His response was terse.

"Are you sure?"

He turned to me then. "Question, how did you get assigned to me?"

I frowned. “Gabe. He assigned me to you after our initial debacle outside of the bungalow.”

“So before then, you didn't know me?"

I frowned. "What's going on?"

“I just assumed you'd seen my file or something."

I shook my head. “I had no idea you even existed at Rogues until you tried to put me on my arse."
