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Chapter Nineteen


As many times as I’d fantasized about kissing Teagan again, I thought I would have been prepared for the feel of her lips and tongue, for the way she sucked in a breath when I settled my hand at her back and pulled her against me. I wasn’t prepared for any of it and my head was clear of any thought except to keep touching her. It felt like we kissed for hours, me standing in her kitchen and her on the counter, the food, wine, and packing and all the reasons we shouldn’t be kissing forgotten.

Her skin was smooth under the hem of her T-shirt, and when I lowered my kisses to her neck, she dragged her fingertips across the back of my neck, her short nails barely grazing the skin. I could have moved into the crook of her shoulder because of how intoxicating it was to kiss her neck and find the secret places that elicited an intimate groan. “Si,” she groaned, tipping back her head when I found one.

I kissed her there again, hunched over to get the best angle. It wasn’t exactly comfortable, but I couldn’t have cared less. Her legs were spread wide at my hips and she ground against me, stretching her neck the other way.

The sound of a bang startled me.

“Shit! Ouch!”

I snapped back to see her rubbing the side of her head. “What’s wrong?” I slid fingers gingerly over her hair.

“I smacked my head into the cupboard,” she said, her fingers under mine as I stroked where she’d hit. “You never told me you were so good at this.”

I linked our fingers and slid her hand to behind my neck. “You never asked.”

“I wondered,” she said, tracing a fingertip up my neck. “What else are you good at?”

Throughout the course of our friendship, Teagan had touched me thousands of times, but the gentle brush of her fingertips on my neck made my mind spin, and I crashed my lips to hers again, pressing between her thighs, my hand on the back of her head to keep her from banging it into the cupboard again “Is your curiosity satisfied?”

She grinned and pulled my lips to hers again. “Not even close. What else?”

“I’ve been told I’m good at...” I stroked the back of her thigh, pulling her leg up my hip. “Packing.”

“Don’t even joke.” Teagan wrapped her other leg around me. “Bedroom.”

My cock jumped at her word and I pulled her to me. “That’s bossy.”

She bit her lower lip. “I actually like it if you’re a little bossy. Do you like that?”

I lifted her, settling my hands under her thighs and her ass as she clung to me. “Yeah, I think I do.” It’s hard carrying someone down a hall when that hall is filled with boxes, and I tripped twice, Teagan clinging to me harder and both of us laughing as I made my way to the bedroom, thankfully without dropping her. “Your apartment is dangerous,” I huffed, lowering her to the floor.

“We made it,” she said, pulling her T-shirt over her head, revealing a yellow lacy bra over the breasts I’d dreamed of for years. “You’re staring.”

“I...” I slid my hands up her ribs, stopping just before my thumbs stroked the underside of the bra. “Yeah. I am.”

She tucked a finger under my chin and lifted my gaze until our eyes met. She unhooked her bra and tossed it aside before sliding her hands back to my chest. “Show me what else you’re good at, Silas.”

My world could have ended in that moment. If lightning had struck her unpacked bedroom, I’d have died at my happiest with Teagan’s bare chest against me, her plump lips slightly parted. I kissed her again, savoring the feel of her lower lip before spinning her around so her back was to me. Her short gasp at the spin and at my breath on her bare shoulder was a shot of adrenaline. She said she liked me in charge—that was new for me.

“I know everything about you,” I said against her neck as my splayed palms slid over her stomach and up her ribs. “But I don’t know how you like to be touched.” Her breasts were heavy in my palms as I cupped them, letting a thumb play over her nipples. It was sheer luck that I hadn’t come in my pants at the feel of her body. It felt like the culmination of half a decade of foreplay, and she wiggled against me as if issuing a challenge.

“Like that, but harder. I can’t see you.”

“I know. You can feel me, though. Close your eyes.” I rolled her nipple between my finger and thumb, adding more pressure with each twist, seeing what she reacted to. “I’m here.”

“You’re always here,” she murmured sliding one of my palms over her heart.

My own heart was unexpectedly full at the realization that the same was true for me, and I tried to think of the best way to say it, except my brain was otherwise engaged with the feel of Teagan’s body. She saved me the emotional moment when she pushed my hand lower. “But maybe tonight you can be here, too.”

I laughed against her shoulder and let her guide my palm down her body, over her stomach, and under her sweatpants. “I thought you wanted me to be the bossy one.”

She shrugged. “I’m unpredictable.”

“I know,” I said against her neck. “I like that about you.” I slid my hand lower and hers fell away. The heat at the apex of Teagan’s thighs was what I’d dreamed of, and I slid past the waistband of her underwear, inching closer. I dragged my fingertip over her mound, only brushing over the side of her already swollen clit and then up the other side, my finger sliding along her wet folds easily. “Teag,” I groaned against her neck. “I can’t believe we’re doing this.”
