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Chapter Twenty-four

Video Chat

After Four Weeks in France

A Saturday

Silas:Hey, you.

Silas:You’re muted, sweet cheeks.

Teagan:Ugh, why do I always do that? Also, sweet cheeks?

Silas:I’m trying to find the right pet name for you.

Teagan:Well... keep trying. Sweet cheeks ain’t it.

Silas:Noted. You look exhausted. Everything okay?

Teagan:I truly love that you went from “sweet cheeks” to “you look like crap.” (Laughing)

Silas:You look gorgeous and sexy and only a little rough. Late night?

Teagan:Yeah. We decided at the last minute to take a train to Paris and partied and explored all weekend, so I was up late last night finishing a paper I put off.

Silas:Isn’t Paris like five hours from Lyon?

Teagan:Only two on the train, so I could have worked on the paper then but...

Silas:You made friends with strangers instead?

Teagan:Not strangers, just friends I hadn’t met yet.

Silas:You didn’t meet that rich, sexy Frenchman, did you?

Teagan:A couple of them, but they don’t eat grapefruit, so you’re safe.

Silas:Whew! I was worried. Glad you’re meeting new people and doing all the things you want to, though.

Teagan:You, sugar butt, don’t look exhausted at all. You’re glowing, if I’m honest.

Silas:Sugar butt? Is that payback for sweet cheeks?

Teagan:Sucrose glutes?

Silas:Much better! As for the glowing, you might make fun of me.

Silas:I went to a day spa with Ada. We got facials.

Teagan:Like... Ada from the airport?

Silas:Her sister backed out at the last minute and she was teasing me about being lonely with you gone and I ended up agreeing to go with her. It was kind of fun. Did you know Ada was in the navy and is a drummer in a band? James and I went to see her perform and she’s good.

Teagan:I still can’t believe we didn’t find out who wrote the list. I was sure we’d figure it out. For a minute, it felt like it was mirroring our story and I wanted a happy ending.

Silas:I’m, um, still working on it.

Teagan:Give me updates!
