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Chapter Twenty-five

Video Chat

After Three Months in France

A Saturday


Silas:Hey, honeybun.

Teagan:Keep googling nicknames, syrup rump.

Silas:I like syrup ru—

Teagan:Silas? I think you’re frozen. Can you hear me?

Teagan:You still there?

Silas:Teag, sorry. I don’t know what happened but everything froze and then I couldn’t get back on. I got your voice mail, so you’re probably in bed now. I’m so bummed to have missed you tonight. Can we talk tomorrow instead? I love you. Sleep well.

A Monday

Teagan:Hey, it’s me. I was hoping I could catch you before you went to work. Things are nuts here, but it’s so amazing. I wish you were here and I could show you everything. I took a day trip to Vienna and I felt so inspired. I just couldn’t get the words down fast enough. It’s like when I was in Barcelona last month. I just felt inspired. I’ll tell you about it soon. I hope we can catch each other. I love you.

A Tuesday

Silas:I went to Vienna when I was there. Do you remember me telling you about it? I can’t wait to read all this writing. I had to work a double shift so I’m sorry I missed you again.

A Wednesday

Teagan:This is hard. I guess we’ll just connect next week at our normal call time. I got an A on that last paper. My professor talked to me about graduate school. He thinks I’d have a shot at a good MFA program in creative writing. Can you believe it?

Silas:I’m so proud of you. I can believe it. And yeah, it’s harder than I thought. I didn’t realize how much time we spent together until you were gone. I think I count on you to make me... interesting, and I’ve had to figure that out with people on my own. I don’t know. Anyway, I love you. I know you’re in class now, so... we’ll talk soon.

A Thursday

Teagan:You were always interesting. Hey, I took this picture for you the last time we took the train into Paris. After I snapped the selfie with it next to my face, three people reminded me I couldn’t attach the padlock to the bridge. I told them I didn’t need to. I’ll talk to you tomorrow at our normal time.

Silas:This is the cheesiest message I’ve ever left, but you aren’t the only one with a padlock and I know you’ll appreciate that after taking this selfie with it over my heart, I accidentally hit myself in the nose with it. Have a good night.

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