Page 61 of Trapped In Love

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I didn’t want kids, and maybe marriage wasn’t on the table for me, but I wanted to find love. I wanted to find a partner who loved me for me. For all my eccentricities. I was a fool to think there was any future with Felix. He said he could only give me this week, but I wanted more. My heart wanted forever, and I was having a hard time telling it that wasn’t an option.

I picked more seashells until my hands got full, and I had to walk back up to the blanket. Felix wasn’t on the blanket anymore, so I sat on it and looked through my collection.

“I see you’re doing the summer fling thing,” Harper said.

I nodded.

“He’s cute,” Keisha said.

I nodded again.

“Oh, honey, did you catch feelings already?” Harper asked.

I nodded. “I think I had them a long time ago. I think that’s why I pretended I hated him for so long. But I found out why he did everything.”

“Why?” they asked.

“He has custody of his little sister, and he says he can’t give someone the time they need.”

Both women gave me a sympathetic look. Harper squeezed my arm. “Talk to him. When are you going home?”

“Sunday, but it’s already Friday. I don’t think I’ll convince him we could be more. I knew my heart couldn’t take this. I shouldn’t have bothered.”

“Maybe he’ll change his mind.”

Felix walked up from being in the lake, so I clamped my mouth shut. He sat behind me on the blanket and wrapped his arms around my waist. “Find anything good?” he asked.

I melted into him when he kissed my neck sweetly. I would worry about the fact I had caught feelings in such a short time when I got home. Right now, I gave in to the feeling of being in his arms.

I held up one of the good ones. “This one’s good.”

“Pretty. Maybe you should make nautical jewelry too.”

“I was thinking about it. But I’d have to rename my shop.”

“Ooh you have a shop, gimme!” Keisha said.

I told her the name, and she looked it up. “Ooh, girl, these are pretty. I’m buying some.”

“We can change out the logo if you want to change the name. I’m not done with it yet, anyway,” Felix said.

“Okay,” I muttered.

“You okay?” he asked.

I nodded but changed the subject to lighten the mood. “Hey! What are you two doing tonight? Come over for a fire.”

Harper’s face brightened. “Oh my god, yes. Just like old times!”

“Except my dad won’t catch us with the booze,” I joked.

Harper smiled. “Ha! Your dad was probably the coolest, though. He just went, ‘Okay, but don’t cry to me when you’re praising the porcelain god.’ Your dad’s a hoot.”

I smiled. I loved my dad, and he certainly was that. “But seriously, come over. I’ll make us a fire, and we can make s'mores. It will be like old times.”

“But with more alcohol!” Harper joked.

I laughed and squinted at her. “Um, maybe less. We were animals as teens. Maybe Avs is right, Dad let me be feral.”

We both erupted into laughter, and for a second, I forgot what I was worried about.
