Page 101 of Academically Yours

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We paused our conversation as the waiter came by to take our orders, and I wasn’t surprised at all when Noelle ordered the cinnamon chip pancakes with a side of scrambled eggs and bacon. Even at breakfast, she loved her sweets.

“Oh my God,” Noelle exclaimed. “You have to have some good stories about Matthew you can share with me from when you were kids.” She gave her best puppy dog eyes, begging my sister, and I knew she would cave. That look made me butter in her hands.

I frowned, looking between the two of them. “Hey—”

“Oh, there’s the glower,” Noelle laughed.

“It was permanently affixed on his face for like four years, believe it or not.”

My girlfriend giggled in response. I think that only made my eyes narrow more at Tessa. I didn’t think the Harpers would be immune to the Hastings charm—not one bit.

Tessa laughed. “When we were younger, he used to play dolls with me. He got pretty good at braiding their hair.” I turned a little red as Tessa told Noelle some of my most embarrassing childhood habits. “I think he’ll make a good dad someday.”

“That’s enough,” I said, shaking my head as I wanted to dig myself deeper into my chair.

I turned to Noelle, and she was just staring at me, lips parted as if she was putting pieces together. Or maybe she was shocked, that Tessa commented on kids?

Noelle bit her lip and continued. “I don’t have siblings, so for me… This is so crazy different. I never had someone to spend my time with, to play with, or just know they were there for me. The closest I have is probably my cousin, Oliver, but he’s three years younger than me.”

“It’s okay,” I said, wrapping my arm around her shoulder and pulling Noelle in tight to me. “I think siblings are overrated, anyway.”

She put her mouth closer to my ear and whispered to me, “I think it’s sweet. The way you are with your sister.” She turned back to Tessa and grinned conspiratorially. “I love hearing about your childhood, but maybe we should do it when grumpy pants over here isn’t around.” She patted my thigh with her hand, and I knew she was kidding from her tone.

Honestly—it made me fill with pride, a little bit. That Noelle and Tess were getting along. That they seemed to be enjoying themselves. That I could ever hope for the day where they might be something more.


We could be Noelle’s family, Tessa and I—we hadn’t ever had anyone else, but with Noelle… I thought that maybe, none of that would matter.

The rest of breakfast was full of laughter, us all swapping college stories, Tessa telling us about the dumbass boyfriend she had dumped, and the two of them gushing over stories about me when I was younger.

I was very glad Tess did not have my baby book, otherwise, I think she would have whipped it out without a second thought.

And even if things were good, and felt so right… I wasn’t sure if we were there yet.
