Page 131 of Academically Yours

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Three years ago, I had no idea where my life would take me. I had been hurting, and alone, and moved back home while nursing a broken heart and not knowing what I wanted to do with my life. Today, however, I had survived, I had gotten my diploma, and I had found a love that taught me what life was all about. I had a guy who loved me—so much, that when I had tried to break up with him, he hadn’t let me. And now, it was finally time for the rest of my life to begin.

In my cap and gown, with my diploma case still in my hands, I rushed over to where my family and friends stood after the ceremony. In the middle of them stood my beautiful blonde boyfriend.

My Matthew.

The biggest grin spread over my face as I saw them there, all gathered together. And as I saw the bundle of sunflowers that Matthew was holding for me.

I couldn’t help but run up to him, flinging my arms around his neck as soon as I got close enough.

“So, Miss Hastings, now that you’ve graduated, what do you want to do?” Matthew whispered in my ear.

“I think,” I said, beaming up at him, “that I’d like to kiss my boyfriend.”

“Here?” he asked, looking around the quad as I leaned on my tiptoes, trying to bring our faces closer. “In front of everyone?” It wasn’t like he didn’t want to; no, he was asking if I was sure.

I looked at my mom, at my best friends—Charlotte, Angelina, and Gabbi all gathered behind him—and around us at the masses of other graduates, and I realized I didn’t care what anyone thought. I hadn’t for a while now.

Because he loved me, and if I wanted to kiss him in front of all of these people, I was going to. I knew he had never really liked public displays of affection, but if the way he was looking at me was any indication, he did want to kiss me senseless too.

I smiled under my eyelashes, and then nodded. “Yes, please.”

“That’s all? Just a kiss?” He smirked, his hands closing around my waist as he pulled me tight against him.

“Nope,” I whispered into his mouth, “that’s just the beginning, Matthew.” I took another moment to intertwine my hands with his and then, finally, I kissed him.

I kissed him for every time I had wanted to but had held back. I kissed him for every time we had kept our relationship a secret instead of sharing it with the world. I kissed him knowing that I had a lifetime of kisses to come, but I still couldn’t get enough here, now, in this moment.

I kissed him like he was mine, and I was his, and when he ran his fingers through my hair, I knew the statement was true. Like no matter what happened next—we’d be facing it together. There was no chance in hell I was ever going to let this man slip throw my fingers. This beautiful, lovely man who was always there for me.

And this kiss—this dizzying, spellbinding kiss—I wanted to sink into it, pour all of my love for him into it. Wanted his tongue tracing over my teeth, tangled with mine, because everything was good and right, and we were here, finally, finally. Together, happy. Nothing to keep us apart ever again.

“I love you,” I murmured as we pulled apart and he grazed his knuckles over my jaw.

“I love you, sweetheart.”

And then he kissed me again.Over and over until I was breathless and smiling, until my friends shoved him out of the way, and my heart was so full being surrounded by all of my favorite people that I couldn’t have stopped smiling even if I wanted to.

“We’re so proud of you!” the girls gushed, closing in around me.

“You knew what you wanted, and you went and got it.” Gabbi gave me a big hug

“And more,” Charlotte said with a lovesick sigh, glancing at Matthew standing by my side.

“I couldn’t have done it without you three,” I said earnestly, squeezing each of their hands before pulling them all into a big hug.

“You’re never getting rid of us,” Angelina laughed.

“Best Friend’s Book Club on three!”

“One, two, three…” We all cheered, and I looked around me. Matthew was standing close to me, holding my flowers and the diploma case that I had almost dropped earlier.

Who would have guessed that two years in grad school and three years working as a Hall Director would lead me to this moment? Not me, that’s for sure.

“Thank you, love,” I whispered in his ear as we took a bazillion photos and continued to be surrounded by my best friends, and my university friends who had come up to say goodbye, too. Hazel and Lucas gave me knowing smiles as they saw Matthew holding my hand, and I couldn’t help but reach up and give him a peck on his cheek.
