Page 72 of Academically Yours

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“Even your best friends?” I asked, turning on the ignition.

She nodded. “God, yeah, especially from my best friends. You never know what shenanigans they’re going to get me into—”

“Shenanigans, huh?” I raised an eyebrow over at her. What sort of shenanigans did a little bookworm get into with her friends? I guessed if the bar was any indication, maybe they were all a lot rowdier than I took them to be.

“Oh, shut up and drive,” she said, playfully pushing against my shoulder.

“Alright, sweetheart,” I said, flashing her another grin.

I turned up the radio as we drove to our destination: a cluster of food trucks organized on an empty lot together. Thankfully, for me, it wasn’t a rainy February night, so despite the slight chill that still hung in the air, it was dry outside. I clipped Snowball’s leash onto her collar, and then offered Noelle a hand to help her out of the truck.

When she saw where we were parked, her eyes lit up with delight. “Oh!” she said, the word full of such awe and wonder that I couldn’t help but chuckle.

“Whatever you want, Noelle—it’s my treat.”

“You don’t have to do that, Matthew.” She looked up at me, and then at our hands, which were still laced together, Snowball’s leash in my other hand.

“Maybe not, but I asked you to come out tonight. And I want to. So let me.”

Noelle sighed, as if accepting her fate, and then pulled me over to the Mac and Cheese truck in the middle of the area. She grinned. “This smells incredible.” She inhaled deeply, and I had to agree with her. Even with the smell of cheese permeating the air, it did smell delicious. The truck had the pasta dish served with all different types of toppings.

“Is this okay with you?” She turned to the guy at the counter after I nodded. “One lobster and shrimp mac and cheese, please.”

“I’ll have the pulled pork one,” I said with a smile, before surrendering my credit card to the man taking our order. After I got the receipt and put the card back into my wallet, I slipped my hand back into Noelle’s and steered us towards a table.

I tied Snowball’s leash to the foot of the picnic bench and pulled out a little bowl of water for her to drink as we sat there.

“Wow,” Noelle remarked, watching me pet Snowball’s head. “You came prepared.”

Laughing, I nodded my head. “I had to. I wanted you to meet one of the most important women in my life.” I flashed her a grin, and Noelle blushed a little bit.

I ran my finger over her hand, drawing circles on her skin as it rested on the table. “You know what makes me smile?” She shook her head. I leaned in closer. “The way I’ve been inside of you, but you still blush over the smallest things.” I traced a finger over her cheek.

Was it possible for someone to blush harder? This girl could completely, one hundred percent, dominate me in the bedroom—and I would let her— but sweet words?

And maybe I was just obsessed with her little flushes.

She swatted away my hand. “Not now,” she whispered back. “What if someone hears us?”

I raised an eyebrow at her. “Embarrassed of me now, Miss Hastings?”

She pouted. “Matthew.”

“I know.” I sighed. I wanted to pull her into my lap and hold her, but she was right.

Even with how I felt about her, there was still a layer of us that I felt like we had to keep secret from the world. At least until she had graduated and got another job. I didn’t want the university to find any excuse to fire her—or me. Plus there was the tenure I hoped to earn one day, and I knew a scandal could ruin all of that.

But I didn’t say any of that to Noelle.

Then, our food was done, and Noelle bounced off the bench in a hurry to get the dishes.

Noelle came back with two piping hot dishes of macaroni and cheese. She set mine down in front of me, and then stabbed a fork into hers.

“My God,” she moaned. “Have you ever tasted something so delicious?” Noelle swirled another bite into her mouth.

I chuckled, eating my own. She stole a bite of mine. “Oh, that’s good.” She sucked on her fork while looking at me, and I didn’t miss the heat in her gaze as she popped the utensil out of her mouth.

After we both finished eating and had thrown our trash away, Noelle perked up, leaning against me as she wound her arm around my bicep.
