Page 25 of The Dragon

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“We’re happy to hear you’re a fan. Are you interested in working toward becoming a TCF fighter?”

Was this really happening?

I closed my eyes and tilted my head back. Was I interested? I smiled and tried to hide my excitement so I wouldn’t come across as too immature.

“Yes. It’s what I’ve dreamed of ever since I saw it. I got into jiu-jitsu to better my skill set.”

“Your instructor contacted us quite some time ago. He sent us some videos of your classes and elaborated on this phenom he had in his class. You,” Vin explained.

I looked at my instructor and bowed my head to show my appreciation and gratitude.

“You have to be eighteen and graduated from high school before you can compete in TCF. From talking to your father, it doesn’t sound like grades are an issue at all.”

“No, sir. I have straight As. I’m on the varsity wrestling and football teams, and good grades are a requirement.”

“We prefer to find young men who are talented and have the drive, like you do. That way we can work on your training and conditioning so you’ll be ready to go when the time comes.”

I nodded. I still couldn’t believe this was happening. Vin motioned to the two guys in khaki pants, and they stepped forward to shake my hand.

“This is Curtis and Corey. Curtis does promotion for TCF and individual fighters. Corey is an agent… One who is already interested and committed to you.”

I have an agent? Already?

“It’ll be a while before you see these two guys or have a lot of dealings with them since you’re still a minor. But we’ll be able to feature you in a few publications as a rising young star, all with your parents’ permission. Corey will work closely with you to develop your team’s name and possibly a pseudonym.”

I looked at Dad and gave him a cheesy grin before I returned my attention to Vin again.

“These gentlemen,” Vin turned to look at the men in the black polos. “These men each have an area of expertise that they’ll help you with. Gentlemen, introduce yourselves to Hollis.”

“Hello, Hollis. I’m Herb Walker, and I’ll be one of your conditioning trainers. We’ll work mostly on strength.”

“Hi, I’m Frank Tate. You can call me Frankie. I’ll be your other conditioning trainer and will work with you on cardio training.”

The next man stepped forward and held his hand up and waved at me.

“Leo Woods. I’m going to be your grappling coach.”

“I’m Fletch Finley, and I’ll work with you on your Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu.”

“Hi, Hollis. I’m Marty Thompson and will be your boxing coach.”

“And I’m Harry Mortensen. I’ll be your striking coach.”

“These men will be your dedicated team and will begin training you in preparation for your debut with TCF,” Vin said.

This was all so unreal to me.
