Page 4 of The Dragon

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“True. I’m glad he has Hollis,” Mom replied.

I looked in the direction of Morgan as he loaded dishes in the dishwasher.

“He’ll always have Hollis. Chase will too.”

“Hopefully Chase shows himself soon,” Mom said.

“He will. If he knew he had two big brothers waiting for him, he’d hurry.” Dad kissed the top of Mom’s head. “After the principal and I spoke before we got Hollis, he told me that Hollis is the kid who gives a voice for those who haven’t found theirs yet.”

“Oh, that is so kind and true.”

“Hollis advocates from the heart.”

For the rest of the night, I had a lot on my mind. After my bath, I was eager to get to bed because the Tooth Fairy was coming. I stared into my closet and put my jeans next to my school t-shirt. Tomorrow was spirit day at school, and I had my gray t-shirt with the green gator mascot ready. Morgan had one just like it. Before closing the closet door, I stared at my karate gi and my orange belt that was draped over the shoulders. Good thing I took karate.

I made sure the plastic treasure chest with my tooth was sitting out on my nightstand. I put Mr. Mint, my light green Worry Wart squishy ball, behind the treasure chest to “guard” it. I had just climbed into bed when my dad came into the room.

“All ready for bed?”

“Yes, and the tooth is out.” I looked at the treasure chest that sat by my Worry Wart. “Do you think they’ll see it?”

“I do, yes,” Dad said as he pulled the sheet and blanket up over me. “I’m proud of you for sticking up for your brother today.” Dad leaned over and kissed my forehead, and I stretched my arms around his back and hugged him. “Goodnight, Hollis.”

“Night,” I said.

I reached over and poked my finger down on the top of my Worry Wart while I listened to Dad tucking in Morgan and saying goodnight to him. I was too excited about the Tooth Fairy coming tonight, that I couldn’t seem to fall asleep. Each time I tried falling asleep, all I could think about was the fight at school. When I wasn’t thinking about that, I was thinking about what my dad had said. I was the voice for those who hadn’t found their voice yet.
