Page 45 of The Dragon

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“Okay, but I get to go first!” Chase tore up the stairs ahead of Morgan.

I turned to face my parents and then looked at Patrick. Why was this so hard? Patrick looked pale and zoned out. Be the voice for those who haven’t found theirs yet. Be Patrick’s voice.

“Patrick didn’t advance today to orange belt because of some physical restrictions,” I started and then realized how lame that sounded. His fucking dad had been beating him for God knows how long, and I just made it sound like this was about the stupid karate belt. I took a deep breath and looked at my dad. “Patrick’s dad and stepbrother are hurting him,” I finally spit out. I looked at Patrick. “Show them.”

Patrick looked at me, still hesitant. I knew he was scared. I needed to reassure him it would be okay.

“They’re not going to make you go back, Patrick. We can help you,” I promised him. I looked at my parents, needing their reassurance. I really would run away with him if I had the slightest feeling that they were going to tell him to go home.

Patrick lowered his head and undid his yellow belt. My mom gasped and covered her mouth as he revealed his torso.

“My God,” Dad said under his breath.

Still with her hand covering her mouth, Mom started to walk toward Patrick. I knew she was going to hug him, but Patrick didn’t really like people touching him. I worried it would upset him. I stepped in front of him to block her kind gesture.

“No. Um, Patrick doesn’t like to be touched much,” I said.

My mom stopped and nodded.

“Patrick, sweetie, we’re so sorry,” Mom said.

“Where are you hurting the most? Do you suspect anything is broken?” Dad asked.

“Yes, let’s see about getting you to an urgent care,” Mom said.

Patrick’s head was still tilted downward, but I could tell his eyebrows were furrowed.

“Patrick, it’s okay. We’re going to help,” Dad spoke up.

I put my hand on Patrick’s shoulder and then he brought his head up and looked at me. His eyes were watery as he searched mine for reassurance. I nodded to him to let him know it was okay to speak up.

“Um, I ache all over. I don’t know if anything is broken. My neck…” He stopped talking and pointed to the blueish mark that went around the front and side of his neck. “My neck is sore, and it hurts to swallow. And… and I’m bleeding a little.”

I scanned his torso, arms, and legs. I saw no sign of blood. Maybe he had a bandage over whatever was bleeding. Thankfully, my dad jumped in.

“Where are you bleeding at? Let’s get that taken care of.”

“Um…” That was all Patrick said before he took a step backward and covered his face with his hands as he fought back the tears. Something obviously went over my head because both my mom and dad stepped forward, which made Patrick step back farther.

“No, stop! You’re scaring him!” I took a step closer to him and held my hand up in front of me so my parents would stop advancing.

“Hollis, son, we need to get Patrick to a hospital. He needs medical care,” Dad said. The look on both of my parents’ faces showed concern.

“No, please, Mr. and Mrs. Hawkins. They’ll make me go back,” Patrick cried.

“They won’t,” Mom promised.

“Patrick, son, I can guarantee you they’re not going to send to back. I promise you,” Dad said.

Good, Dad promised.

I put my hand on Patrick’s shoulder and nudged him so he’d look at me.

“My dad promises. It’ll be okay. Do you want to change out of your gi before we go?” I knew he had a change of clothes in his gym bag, which sat by the door leading to the garage.

When he nodded, Dad picked up the gym bag and handed it to me. I led Patrick through the foyer and to the hallway on the other side of the stairs. There were two guest bedrooms down this hallway along with a guest bathroom. I flipped the light on and set his bag on the counter.

“Do you need anything? Bandages?”
