Page 51 of The Dragon

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Seventeen years old/11th Grade/October

Iwas dying to see Ginny. Since she’d graduated last May, our time alone had been hard to come by. She got accepted at Pepperdine University, and her parents bought her an incredible house in Malibu so she’d be closer to the campus. One of her best friends from high school stayed there with her, though I didn’t think she attended Pepperdine with Ginny. And to be honest, I doubted how much Ginny was actually attending classes. She’d often tell me to ditch school and come hang out with her on the beach. I would have loved to do that, but TCF was watching every move I made to ensure I wasn’t just another fuck-up. After Patrick moved in, I wasn’t worried about him and his safety anymore, and I was able to refocus on my grades. I ended my sophomore year with a 4.0 grade point average even while I trained and took part on the varsity wrestling team.

I trained all summer long, and Patrick was beside me the entire time. I thought he liked it and felt as though he had something to dedicate himself to. The trainers at TCF were great about it and some would even work out with him and show him how to make the most of his workouts. My parents had informed my agent, Corey, about Patrick’s situation. That might have been why the trainers were all so good to Patrick. I’d like to think they all would have been cool with him anyhow, but maybe that was why they all really seemed to pull Patrick under their wings. When Patrick would sit and watch me box with Marty, Corey would talk to him and show him the paperwork and promotion side of things. He even had Patrick doing “junior” agent tasks, like reminding me if I needed to be at the TCF gym for photo shoots and meeting the press. He’d remind me what I needed to wear, and we’d go over the questions I’d be asked. He took it very seriously, and I was happy about him being by my side for all of this.

Ginny was throwing another party this weekend, and it was one that I was finally able to attend. I spent six hours training this morning, and tonight I was free to go. On our way to Ginny’s party, Patrick and I stopped to pick his girlfriend up. Like Patrick and me, Brittney was a junior. She’d been attached to him for about a month or so since school started, but she seemed really controlling from what I’d observed. One thing that bothered me about Brittney was she often asked him if I was around. If he invited her to an event at school, she’d ask if I was going. I started to feel like there was a chance she was just hanging around him to be near me, and that wasn’t right. Recently Patrick had a few girlfriends who hadn’t lasted very long. I thought they’d fizzled out due to his difficulty getting into bed and close with girls. He would hold hands with them, make out with them, and eat their pussies until they’d come, but he wouldn’t fuck them.

Maybe once things became even more settled for him, he’d engage more. He’d been through hell, and so much of his behavior with girls could be a direct result of that. Mom and Dad had taken him to see a psychologist every other week since he’d moved in. It seemed that some of the sessions probably helped, but he always went through some low points too.

I was also pretty sure Patrick was bi. I based that solely on a few times when we’d had moments that would make most straight guys extremely uncomfortable. To my knowledge, he had never looked at guys at school with interest, and he’d never said he had an interest in men. Again, it was just my thought based off a few situations we’d had.

It also made me question what I wanted. And I only had time to think about this when I’d go to bed at night. Usually, I was so wiped out from training and working out that I was asleep seconds after hitting the pillow. I definitely wasn’t interested in any guys at school. I was only interested in Ginny, and we’d been together since my freshman year. Even though she’d graduated high school last year and was at Pepperdine this year, we’d made it work. But I had a very different feeling with regard to Patrick. I felt very protective of him.

And it was so unbelievably confusing that I was just too exhausted to think much about it.

“Patty, did you bring a condom?” Brittney asked only moments after being in the car.

Patrick hadn’t replied immediately, so I glanced over at him. His head was down, and his hands had curled into fists.

“Well? Did you?” she pressed him for an answer.

“Please don’t call me Patty. My name is Patrick,” he reminded her.

“God. Sorry.”

“And no, I didn’t bring one.”

Brittney exhaled dramatically in frustration.

“Hollis, do you have an extra one?” she asked me.

“How do you even know if I have one?”

“Please, Hollis. Don’t play coy. Rumor has it Ginny is all over you because you make her moan. And you have an incredible body and are going to be famous.”

It was comments like this that made me worry that Brittney was using Patrick to get closer to me.

“Hollis doesn’t care about that, Brittney. Hollis just loves the sport.”

“I hope Ginny has some good alcohol this time,” Brittney said.

Patrick could do so much better than this girl. Unfortunately, our school was full of kids who mostly wanted to fuck and drink. All the kids came from money, so all they had to do was find the right person to buy the liquor. Since tonight’s party was being thrown by Ginny and her college friends, I had no doubt alcohol would be there. She knew I wouldn’t go near it because I couldn’t risk anything with my future career with TCF. I worked too hard to throw my career away before it began over a fucking beer or shot of something that probably tasted terrible.

Brittney, Patrick, and I navigated through a crowded house full of college kids partying. As soon as I spotted Ginny, I made my way over to her. She threw her arms around me and jumped, wrapping her legs around my body. Our mouths were like magnets as our tongues pressed against one another. I could smell and taste alcohol on her, but I was so horny for her I didn’t even care. I’d jacked off sometimes twice a day thinking about her, and I needed the real thing now. I started to get hard as our kiss deepened.

“Hollis, I’ve missed you so much.”

Even though Pepperdine was only about forty-five minutes away, it was hard for me to make it over here except on the weekends, after training.

“I’ve missed you too, baby,” I murmured against her mouth. She pulled her lips off mine and made a trail of kisses to my ear.

“I’ve missed your thick cock, Hollis. My vibe has been working overtime.”

“My cock has missed you too. And I’ve missed your pussy and this tight ass.” I squeezed her ass over her jeans. I let her slide down and made sure she felt my hard-on before her feet touched the floor.

She took me by the hand and led me up the stairs and to her massive room. The second I closed the door, our mouths were on one another again as we pulled our clothes off. I got on her bed first and laid flat on my back while she took a sip from a red plastic cup on her nightstand. Before she got on the bed, her hands gravitated to her beautiful tits. She rubbed and squeezed her mounds and pulled on her nipples. I took hold of my hard shaft and gave it a few long strokes while I watched her.

“Come on, stop teasing me, gorgeous. Plant that pussy on my face.”
