Page 58 of The Dragon

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“We’ll plan it with Ginny when we get back from Vegas,” I suggested.

He nodded again and pulled his hands out of his pants. The second he left my room I got into bed and shoved my hand into my boxer briefs. I jacked off to the incredible idea of a foursome. If nothing else, I was going to ditch school tomorrow and blow off some steam with Ginny.

* * *

“First time in Vegas?”Corey asked us as we walked with him toward the limo. Behind us two men handled our luggage.

“We came to Vegas on our honeymoon,” Dad replied.

While Corey and my parents talked, I looked at Patrick and made a slightly grossed out face. I made sure it was a very slight face in case someone was looking. Corey had told me each time we went over things that someone would always be watching. Meaning media or fans. Patrick grinned and looked down so he wouldn’t look at me and laugh.

Patrick and I got into the limo first and sat across from each other. Corey sat beside me, while my parents sat on the main seat facing forward.

“Excited about tomorrow, Hollis?” Corey asked.

“Yes, definitely. I can’t wait to see what it’s all about. I have the itinerary memorized, so I’ll make sure I’m where I’m supposed to be on time.”

“Don’t you worry. There will be plenty of TCF folks who will ensure everything is a smooth transition for you. Don’t stress about time management, just leave that to the event coordinators.”

“Okay, thank you.”

“You guys enjoy yourself tomorrow. The TCF world has been waiting for you, Hollis.”

“I’ve been dreaming of this since I was nine.”

“You’ve been working your butt off, and it shows.”

My parents and Corey started talking again while Patrick and I looked out the windows. We pulled into the valet section of the MGM Grand, and Corey explained we were all checked in.

“Kristin and Charles, we have you in a suite, and Hollis and Patrick are in a junior suite right across from you. There’s also security on your floor.”

“Good to know,” Dad said.

Corey showed us to our rooms and introduced us to four men who were dressed in black suits sitting outside the doors. Steve, Alfonso, Zed, and Jacobi were men from a security firm TCF worked with. It sounded like they might be permanently assigned to us, but I wasn’t exactly sure how or why. Either way, I politely shook each of their hands.

We arranged to meet Corey downstairs for dinner in about a half hour and had just enough time to change clothes before we had to be downstairs again. Dinner tonight would be just with Corey, then tomorrow night would be with Vin Hasselbeck and the entire Team Dragon. Corey and Vin thought Patrick and I had school today, and since our flight left L.A. shortly after school would have let out, he wanted to make sure we had a calm, relaxing evening.

Dinner was incredible, and Corey casually explained things for tomorrow. We were supposed to arrive at TCF headquarters about an hour ahead of the press’ arrival time. I was to wear a suit in the morning and during some of the photos, then change into my competition shorts and gloves for other photos and then get into the cage for some demos. Then we would break for lunch. In the afternoon there would be a question and answer session for VIPs and special guests, followed by pictures and autographs.

“What kind of stuff will I be signing?” I asked out of curiosity as we all walked out of the restaurant.

“We’ll have some photos from tomorrow morning already processed. There are a few typical shots the photographers will grab tomorrow. They’re customary for all fighters new to TCF, and the fighters all sign them. So you with Vin, you with Team Dragon, you alone, and you in the cage are a few. You’ll sign them and then they’ll be framed and displayed in TCF headquarters. There will be a series of photos that will be available for charity auctions as well. TCF is a huge community partner, not only in Las Vegas, but in cities where there are TCF gyms. Often, TCF hosts charity auctions, so we make sure we have ample signed photos of fighters on hand.”

“Will he sign all those during the VIP event this afternoon?” Patrick asked.

“Typically, the fighters do sign those at that time.” A grin appeared on Corey’s face as he said that. I picked up on the word typically.

“How will Hollis’ event differ?” Mom asked. I was glad she picked up on that too.

“Well,” he began. “Hollis is unlike any new fighter TCF, or the world for that matter, has ever seen. We’ve done just a few spreads on him, mainly due to his age. Hollis’ face looks like a typical kid, but as you know, he’s not built like a typical teen. Hollis has the boy next door look with a killer smile. And even at such a young age, he commands attention. The sports media world eats every bit of him up that we put into publication. TCF typically gives out fifty invites to VIPs for newcomer events. If we’re lucky, maybe half will show up. For Hollis’ event, we had to double the invites, and every single one had RSVP’d within a day.”

Holy fuck. I looked at Patrick with raised eyebrows.

“Oh my,” Mom said.

“On top of that, three hundred tickets were given out to youth martial arts organizations and local high school wrestling teams. What better way to inspire kids than to show them what dedication and drive can do?”

“You’re absolutely right. None of our boys had anyone to look up to when they were in martial arts. Nothing mainstream at least,” Dad agreed.
