Page 65 of The Dragon

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“Hollis Ward. Welcome, man, welcome!” Brendan said as we shook hands and he leaned into a shoulder bump. Chase and Morgan are going to shit when I tell them I shoulder bumped with Brendan Rowe.

“Hollis, this is Brendan Rowe, our light heavyweight champ,” Vin introduced. A photographer was nearby and stepped closer to snag some pictures of us talking. This was so surreal.

“Nice to meet you, Brendan. I’m a huge fan of yours,” I said honestly, making him laugh.

“Now, don’t be too much of a fan, Hollis. Don’t make me feel bad for knocking you out in the cage.”

“It’s all good,” I said lightly. “Besides, it’ll probably just be in your dreams that you knock me out. I’m pretty fast and have a mean jab,” I teased.

Brendan shook his head and laughed. I knew it wasn’t realistic to think that I’d get a big-ticket fight with any TCF fighter for years. I’d have to move through the system and earn the right to fight the big names.

“I like this kid already,” Brendan said to Vin.

“My brothers will die when I tell them I met you. We’ve been fans of yours for years.”

“I’ll sign some t-shirts for them before they become mega Hollis Ward fans. I’ll give them to Corey before I head out for the day. I need to bolt, but I’ll see you in a little bit, little brother.”

I thanked him for offering to sign the t-shirts and told him it was great meeting him, then he stood beside me and flung his arm around my shoulder. He directed my attention to the photographer in front of us.

“Smile big, Hollis. Cameras love smiles. Here, fists up,” Brendan said and put his fist toward me. I put my fist up close to his and smiled for the camera. At the same time the camera in front of us flashed, several others around the room went off. “See, cameras love smiles.” When we broke from the photo, Brendan looked at Corey. “Core, I’ll get some stuff over to your table in a bit.” Brendan slapped my shoulder and pointed to me. “Hollis, stay hungry and focused, little brother, and I’ll see you in the cage soon. Later, my man.”

“Thanks, Brendan,” I said.

While Vin, Corey, and a handful of other fighters talked to me, my mind was elsewhere. I couldn’t believe any of this, and I kept thinking about how much Chase and Morgan were going to love the t-shirts.

I glanced over at the table where my parents sat with Patrick and members of my training team. My folks were talking to the trainers, but Patrick was looking at me. He grinned and shook his head in disbelief at all of this too. I subtly shrugged and smiled at him.

It was finally time for Vin’s introduction, so Corey and I headed over to the table where my parents and Patrick were at. I took a few sips of water but didn’t dare start eating because I knew at any moment, Vin was going to introduce my team and then me. Vin’s speech really put me on a pedestal. I mean, a huge pedestal. He finally introduced Team Dragon, and I clapped and hollered for each of them.

“So enough talking from me for now. Let’s get the young man you’re all here to meet up here and start the press conference. Ladies and gentlemen, Hollis Ward!” Vin enthusiastically said into the microphone.

“Dude, don’t trip on your way,” Patrick murmured.

I got out of my seat, jogged up the steps of the stage and shook Vin’s hand again. We posed for a few pictures and then he gestured for me to take a seat behind the table in the center of the stage. Thankfully, Vin knew all of the media members and people in the audience, so he was able to call on them, and a few TCF Girls would hurry over and give a microphone to the person with the question. I prayed that I wouldn’t mess this up.

“Hollis, I’m sure all of this is overwhelming. What’s going through your head right now?”

I started to talk but stopped when Marty pulled the microphone closer to me. There were some light laughs in the audience, and I smiled as I adjusted the mic.

“What’s going through my mind?” I took a visible deep breath and then leaned toward the mic again. “Well, my best friend told me not to trip on my way to the stage. So I’m feeling some relief that I made it up here. And I’m also jealous of the gigantic pastry he was eating. That’s about it,” I deadpanned and grinned when people in the audience laughed. “No, really, this is an amazing experience, and I’ve met so many people and incredible fighters today. All that’s really going through my mind right now is how fortunate I am.”

“Hollis, when can we expect news to drop about your first fight?”

“That info will come down from TCF and my agent as soon as they have one arranged.”

“How long before you’re allowed to compete?”

“After I graduate high school in five months.”

“Hollis, lots of kids in high school start planning for their future after graduation. Did you have plans after high school, and how has TCF changed those plans?”

“I do have plans, yes. My plans after high school have always included TCF. It’s been my dream to compete.”

“Hollis, what do the next few months look like for you before you’re able to dedicate all of your time to TCF?”

“Well, I’ll continue my training and finish high school. I have prom coming up too,” I joked.

“Hollis, for years now TCF has been teasing about a young phenom. They’ve kept you hidden from the media, which we know is due to legalities with you being a minor. But as you can see, you’re in extremely high demand. Will the media start having access to you?”
