Page 73 of The Dragon

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“What? What are you even talking about?”

“Seriously? Do you want me to spell it all out for you?”

“Please, because I’m obviously in the dark about how selfish I am.” I folded my arms across my chest. This should be good.

“Everything has to revolve around you and your precious cage fighting shit. You haven’t even started and TCF is everywhere in your life. You give them hours after school, on the weekend, and getting any attention from you is beyond difficult. When TCF wants to do a photo shoot with you, you jump at it. Every time they want something, you bend over and give it to them. When you’re not sucking TCF’s dick, you’re busy with your little karate and jiu-jitsu crap. It’s a shock neither Morgan or Chase have turned to drugs or run away, because everything fucking revolves around TCF’s fucking phenom.”

I was shocked. So shocked that I couldn’t even think. She sat on the couch naked and emptied her small purse on the coffee table. I frowned as she rummaged around through the contents and opened a rectangular compact. She emptied a baggie with white stuff onto the compact. What in the fuck…

“And to top it all off, then on fucking prom night you have your fucking mouth on the damaged fuck—”

I pointed my finger at her. “Don’t call him damaged. In fact, don’t call him any-fucking-thing other than Patrick.”

“Whatever, Hollis.”

“And don’t you think you’re being a bit selfish here? You’re the one who started this whole thing with the three of us.”

“I thought it would be nice for Patrick to finally fuck a woman after his date bailed.”

“So as long as our attention was on you, you were fine. But the second I show him anything, then you flip out.”

“Pretty much.”

“Fucking hypocrite.”

Ginny shrugged and looked down at the powder.

“Oh, and if you haven’t guessed”—Ginny gestured down at the drugs on her mirror—“this is your fault too.”

“My fault?”

“I had to turn to something to help me cope with having to share you with the goddamn fucking world!” She leaned forward as if to snort it. “I draw the fucking line with Patrick, though.”

I lunged forward and closed her compact. With it in my hand, I went to the bathroom and opened it over the toilet while Ginny pounded on my back. I rinsed the compact in the sink and then tossed it on a hand towel on the counter. I dodged her fists as I left the bathroom. I grabbed my pants off the floor and stepped into them, then I sat down to put my shoes on. I had no idea where my socks were and didn’t even care.

“Goddamn you, Hollis Hawkins! Or Hollis Ward! Whoever the hell you are anymore.”

“I’m the same Hollis I’ve always been.” I stood and retrieved my shirt from the foot of the bed and pulled it on. I collected my button-down shirt and tux jacket along with Patrick’s and headed toward the door.

“Hollis fucking Hawkins! Where are you going?”

“We’re done,” I said as I opened the door. “You can blame someone else for your problems.”

Despite her hollering out into the hallway from the doorway, I continued walking and didn’t stop until I got to the small elevator lobby. I put my hands in my pockets as I leaned against the wall next to the call button for the elevator. I looked across the lobby to the huge rain-splattered windows. Oh, it rained alright. A storm blew right through my prom night. As the elevator doors opened and I stepped in, I smirked at the irony.

When it rains, it pours.
