Page 75 of The Dragon

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As we drove away from the hotel, I put my arm around Patrick and pulled him to lean against me. Everyone was quiet on the way home. It was close to midnight when we got home. Steve walked us to the door and before he left, he told us to get into dry clothes.

The house was dark when we got inside. After I locked the door, I followed Patrick up the stairs. I glanced down the long hallway to my parents’ room. The door was shut and the gap between the bottom of the door and the wood floor was dark, so I knew they were asleep. Chase’s door was closed, and the gap was dark, and Morgan’s door was wide open. He wasn’t home yet.

Patrick walked into his room and shut the door as I walked into my room. I shut and locked the door and walked into his bedroom through the bathroom that separated our rooms. I walked right up to him, put my hands on either side of his head, and kissed him hard. My fingers weaved through his damp hair as I held his head still. Our tongues hungrily moved against one another’s as if starved.

When I heard him sniffle, I reminded myself that he was soaked and needed to warm up. I forced my mouth off his and patted his neck.

“Come on, you need to warm up,” I whispered. I led him to the bathroom we shared and turned on the shower. “Get out of those wet clothes and in the shower,” I said as I pulled off my clothes. While I was still in my boxer briefs, I collected our wet clothes and tossed them into the hamper. We could sort out the tux crap and take them to the cleaners tomorrow.

“Do you need anything from downstairs? Water? Tea? I can microwave some tea if you want,” I offered.

“Water would be good,” he said quietly but loud enough for me to hear him over the running water.

“Okay, I’ll go get some and will be right back.”

Once in my room, I quickly stepped out of my underwear and pulled on clean boxer briefs. I hurried downstairs to get a glass of water for Patrick and saw the Hulk Hogan action figure leaning against the box of vanilla wafer cookies on the island. Ever since Patrick came to live with us, Dad would sit and have a few cookies with him before bed. Dad said it settled Patrick’s stomach, and by now it was commonplace for my brothers and me to have a couple cookies before bed. My guess was it was just Dad and Chase tonight… and Hulk Hogan. I opened the box and grabbed four small cookies after I poured a glass of water from the fridge. Before I headed back upstairs, I put Hulk Hogan in Chase’s cereal box in the pantry. I made sure Hulk was sticking out of the top and then headed upstairs.

As I climbed the stairs, lightning lit up the foyer and stairs. I went back through my room to get to Patrick’s.

“Hulk Hogan left us some vanilla cookies,” I whispered as I walked through the bathroom. Patrick was out of the shower and drying himself off. He smiled when I mentioned the cookies.

I set the glass of water and cookies down on the nightstand and hurried to Patrick’s dresser to get him some boxer briefs and an undershirt. When I went back to the bathroom, he was just standing on the rug with the towel wrapped around his shoulders, completely covering his torso. The length of the towel covered most of his ass, but it wasn’t quite long enough to cover his dick. He saw that I had his clothes and hung his towel on the rack and got dressed.

I followed him into his room and sat on the bed beside him while we ate the cookies. As we finished them, I broke the awkward silence.

“I’m proud of you for tonight,” I told him.

He huffed and shook his head.

“What? Why?”

“You faced your fears and threw your insecurities out the window. You got naked and fucked Ginny.”

“Yeah, but look at the damage I caused. Did you guys break up?”

“We did. You didn’t cause any damage,” I tried to reassure him.

“But look what you lost because of me.”

“I didn't lose anything. And if I did, I don’t think the loss outweighs what I’ve gained.”

I gestured for him to get into bed. Once he was settled, I laid down next to him on my side and pulled the sheet and blanket up over our shoulders. I reached over him under the blankets and pulled his pillow that he held on to at night against his stomach. Near that pillow, my hand grazed his blue Worry Wart Mom made for him. Patrick was like Chase with this thing. He’d deny it until the day he dies, but he held it at night. I felt around the bed for it again and put it in his hand without a word.

Patrick often slept with a pillow against his stomach and chest. Each time I’d woken him up from a thrashing nightmare and stayed with him, he’d always curl up to me. There had been other nights since Vegas when I simply crawled into bed beside him. For each of those nights, if he was facing away from me, I always pulled the extra pillow over for him to keep against his body.

When Patrick moved in, Grandpa had mentioned that it would help Patrick feel secure to hold a pillow or a stuffed teddy bear, but Patrick acted like he didn’t need it. I knew he was embarrassed by the pillow clutching and Worry Wart holding, so I didn’t draw attention to it or bring it up. I didn’t want him to feel ashamed or embarrassed about needing something for comfort.

I wrapped my arm over him and set my hand on top of his that clutched the pillow.

“Warming up?” I murmured.

“Yes, thank you.”

“It was great seeing you let go tonight,” I whispered, hoping he knew I was referencing the sex.

“It was great to have finally done it. I was so nervous and afraid of having someone see me like that.”

Probably because of what your father and stepbrother put you through.
