Page 28 of Love Me Later

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“Wow!” Jackson says, surprised. “Usually I have to point it out to people. You’ve got a good eye.”

Yeah, too good.

“I know I, for one, have never noticed it before,” Brad chimes in.

“Really?” Jackson looks at me, and all I can do is keep drinking. He has no clue I’ve never told Brad about our matching tattoos. “It’s two hands joined in a pinky promise. It’s something Rory and I used to do as kids. We got it on a whim.”

“You guys have matching tattoos?” Vanessa looks between the two of us and I quickly give her a fake smile. Hoping like hell it at least appears sincere.

“We were young and dumb,” I say, dismissing her obvious concerns. This is a big red flag, I know. “That’s why Jackson has his practically covered up.” Quickly, I place my hand on top of Brad’s and give it a squeeze. “Why don’t we get the check and let them enjoy the rest of their date by themselves?”

“Yeah, it’s been a long week.” Brad motions for the server and pulls out his money clip.

“Let’s split it evenly,” Jackson says, pulling out his own wallet.

“No, please, I insist. It’s the least we can do for hijacking your date.” Brad hands his credit card to the server. “Besides, Rory drank about five hundred dollars’ worth of wine. That makes most of the bill my responsibility.”

Jackson’s eyes meet mine, and I can see Brad’s comment irritated him.

“You can blame Lyndsey for that. She’s declared Friday’s to be the unofficial drink wine with friend’s day. It’s how the girls unwind after a long week at work. I’m surprised you could even get Rory away from her tonight,” Jackson says, trying to defend me.

“You’d know better than I would.” Brad won’t even look at Jackson. “Vanessa, it was a pleasure meeting you. Hopefully, we can all do this again sometime.” Brad stands and buttons his suit jacket.

“Yeah, it was great meeting you. You’ll have to come to Hawk Bend and meet everyone soon.” I stand up faster than I should and now I really feel the effects of all that wine.

“I’d like that, thank you.”

“Night.” Brad grabs me by my elbow and I’m actually grateful because my balance is way off.

“Goodnight, Rory,” Jackson calls after me.

Brad and I make our way through the crowded restaurant until we’re finally outside. The cold air is like a slap in the face, yet it does nothing to help my sobriety. The longer Brad is silent, the more worried I become. This isn’t something I want him to make a big deal about, but I know he will. When we are finally at the car, Brad unlocks it from the key fob and lets go of my elbow.

“Say something,” I demand.

“Not now.”

“Brad, you’re making a bigger deal out of this than it is.”

“Three years, Rory!” he shouts before glancing around to see if anyone noticed his outburst. The two of us are standing behind his midnight-blue Range Rover, staring at each other. Brad takes a deep breath before lowering his voice. “When we first started dating, I asked you the meaning behind your tattoo. You told me it was in remembrance of your mother. How could you lie to me about that?”

“I didn’t. It is for her.” Brad throws his head back in disbelief. “Ok, the flowers are, but not the rest.”


“This is why I never told you. You’ve always been so insecure when it comes to Jackson. You hate how close we are.”

“Insecure?” Brad laughs darkly. Shit, wrong choice of words. “I’m not insecure, Rory. It’s just all this time I thought it was Jackson who didn’t have the balls to tell you how he really feels. But now?” Brad exhales but doesn’t finish his sentence. “Never mind, just get in the car.”

“No, tell me what you were going to say.”

Brad closes the gap between us, and his dark eyes roam over my face. In them, I see both hurt and anger.

“Now it feels like maybe Jackson wasn’t the one I should’ve been worried about. Maybe you have feelings for him as well.”

Ouch.Hearing it out loud makes it sound all too real.

“After three years of being with me, you’re having doubts now because of a stupid tattoo?”
