Page 40 of Love Me Later

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It’s Friday night and Vanessa and I are having dinner at the steakhouse in Hawk Bend. She flat out refused my offer to come to Austin tonight, insisting that she wants to see where I live. She’s brought up coming here the last few times. Finally, I gave in. At least, that was the plan until work ran late and I ended up changing at my parents instead of driving all the way home. Thankfully, Vanessa was flexible with the last-minute change and met me here instead.

This is one of the nicest restaurants in town and not just because it’s the only one with actual tablecloths and servers. John and Maggie have owned the place for the past thirty years, and their oldest is about to take over ownership full-time. Attached to the restaurant is a bar owned by the family as well, but the menu there is more on the casual side.

“Thank you for dinner,” Vanessa says while I sign the credit card receipt. “This place is charming.” I close the black receipt book and find her looking at me. “Just like you.” She smiles.

“Well, I’m glad you liked it. We can go next door and grab a drink if you want? Show you a little more of this charming old town.”

“As long as the tour ends at your place.” Vanessa reaches across the table and links her fingers with mine. Subtle.

“That can probably be arranged.”

Vanessa and I have yet to take our relationship to the next level. I could tell when I dropped her off after our last date that she was slightly irritated by that. It’s not from lack of attraction, because I am attracted to her. I just need to be sure I actually like her enough to want to call her the next day. And I think I might finally be there.

“So, drinks?”

“Yeah,” I reply, while standing up from the table. “We’re just going to go through that set of swinging doors there.”

Placing my hand on the small of her back, I lead Vanessa through the restaurant. I smile at a few people I know until we’re finally inside the bar. The atmosphere here is completely different. Loud country music blasts through the speakers and actually drowns out the loud voices of those letting loose after a long work week.

“Do you spend a lot of time here?” Vanessa screams at me.

“When I was younger. Not so much anymore.” We make our way to an empty table and I brush the discarded peanut shells onto the floor. “Do you want another glass of wine?”


Vanessa takes in the surroundings with an unreadable expression. She sticks out like a sore thumb, and I can tell she’s pretty uncomfortable.

“I’ll be quick.”

Walking up to the bar, I’m greeted with a fist bump from Ricky. Like me, he’s lived here his whole life. He and Jameson were in the same grade.

“Jackson, what’s happening, man?”

“Not much. How’s Carley?”

“She’s good. Only six more weeks or so until the baby gets here. What can I get for you tonight?”

“Coors for me and a glass of your house red.”

“Coming right up.”

Ricky turns around and grabs a wine glass and a pint from the counter behind him. Glancing behind me, I make sure Vanessa is ok. She’s scrolling through her phone, trying to look busy. Surveying the room, I spot Rory and Lyndsey over in the game area, playing darts with a couple of random guys. Lyndsey is flirting with one while Rory looks to be faking interest in whatever the guy talking to her is saying. Both girls have a drink in hand, and I watch as Rory chugs hers. I’m actually surprised to see her here since she called out from work today. She claimed to have a migraine, but I’m not buying it. She isn’t handling the situation with her student too well, and I’d bet my last dollar that’s the reason behind her call out.

“That’ll be ten even,” Ricky says, placing the drinks in front of me.

“Does Lyndsey have a tab going?”

“You already know she does.”

“Put these drinks on her tab, and this is for you.” I hand Ricky a ten-dollar bill.

“Anything to irritate her, huh?”

With a smile, I grab the drinks. “You know it. Thanks, Ricky.”
