Page 50 of Love Me Later

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“Just say the word and I’ll get you out of this.”

My eyes lock on his before moving back to Brad.

“Father of the bride and Rory, that song is your cue.” The wedding coordinator scolds, giving the two of us a little shove.

Like a robot, I do what I’m told. It’s as if everything is happening in slow motion. My eyes scan the room, and I see all the guests looking at me. The smiles on their faces are wide and happy. And then I see Jackson’s mom. She’s smiling, but there is a sadness to it. She knows her son isn’t here, and if she’s anything like my father, she probably knows why.

“Dad,” I whisper.

Only he doesn’t hear me and keeps walking. Finally, the two of us are standing in front of the officiant and Brad. Brad reaches for my hand, but I pull back.

“Rory?” He speaks softly so that only those of us here in the front can hear him.

“Aurora,” my father leans in. “This is it, baby.”

“I can’t do this.”

“Rory, what are you talking about?” Brad takes a step closer, his voice sterner than before.

“I’m sorry, but I can’t marry you.”

Turning, I make my way back down the aisle and away from Brad. I’m running away from this marriage and our future, plus the life we’ve already started to build together.

“Rory!” Brad shouts my name, and I can hear the whispers from the guests as I pick up speed and run straight out the door.

Glancing around, I try to figure out what my next step is. I can’t stay here and face everyone as they leave. My best bet is to hide back in the bridal suite and wait for the crowds and gossip to die down. Running through the gardens, I don’t make it that far. Brad wraps his hand around my wrist and spins me to face him.

“Rory, what the hell are you doing?” His dark eyes are raging. He’s angry and hurt and has every right to be upset.

“I’m sorry, I can’t do this.” The tears I’ve been holding in are flowing freely now. “I never meant to hurt you.”

“Look, you’re scared, I get it. We’ve had issues these past couple of months and you’re having cold feet.” Brad pleads with me. “Maybe we just need to take some time and postpone—”

“No.” I shake my head, trying to make him understand. “I was wrong to let this go on as long as it did.”

“Where’s Jackson?”

“It doesn’t matter.”

Brad lets out a dark laugh and runs his fingers through his short hair in frustration.

“That stupid prick. What did he say to you?”

“It doesn’t matter.”

“I knew he was going to pull something like this. For three years, I’ve watched how he looks at you. How he looked at me with such jealousy because I had what he wanted. Then, like a fool, I believed you when you told me you didn’t feel the same. I ignored every red flag. God, I’m an idiot.”

“You’re not. I was lying to myself, to everyone. The only thing I’ve known for certain these past couple of months is that this wedding isn’t what I wanted. I should have been honest with you about that.” Brad stares at me, his expression unreadable. “I’m sorry.”

“Sorry?” he sneers. “Fuck your apology, and fuck you, too. You are by far the most selfish person I have ever met. You’re doing me a fucking favor.”

Brad storms off and leaves me standing there in stunned silence. He’s right. I’ve been incredibly selfish, but there’s one person who has been worse than me.


After walking away from Rory, I drove straight home. About halfway to Hawk Bend, my phone started blowing up with calls from my mother and texts from Lyndsey and Skip. I didn’t even bother to read them or listen to the voicemails. Instead, I turned my phone off and threw it on the floor of my truck. One day soon, I’ll have to face the consequences of my actions, but not today. No, today I’ve had all I can take.

Now, sitting here at my kitchen table, in complete darkness, I continue to nurse my warm beer and my ego. It’s been hours, and by now Rory and Brad are probably sharing their first dance as husband and wife. I confessed my love for her, and she still chose him. Maybe I should have kept my mouth shut and not told her how I feel. At least maybe then, I wouldn’t have lost her entirely. Another what-if to add to my life.
