Page 55 of Love Me Later

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“It’s kind of weird, huh?”

“What? Waking up the next morning and realizing the person you just had sex with for the first time knows absolutely everything about you? Yep, just a little.”

I shake the can of whipped cream before squirting a dollop onto Jackson’s plate. He hates it when the whipped cream physically touches his pancakes, so I make sure it’s isolated to its own corner of the plate.

When I’m done, there is a bit of cream on the tip of my finger, which I mindlessly put in my mouth to suck off. The low growl that reverberates through Jackson’s chest forces me to look at him. His hazel eyes are glued to my mouth as I slowly slide my finger out. When I look down, I see his sweatpants are now tented. Cocking my eyebrow at him, I watch as the look in his eyes turns from aroused to hunger.

“Something that little, huh?” The words come out slightly above a whisper as my mind starts to think all these dirty, naughty thoughts.

“Fuck, Rory. You have no idea.” Jackson closes the gap between us, and I moan when I feel his erection press into me. “Do you know how much self-control I’ve had to have over these years to hide this from you?” Jackson rolls his hips and the material of the sweatpants rubs against my bare pussy.

Jackson’s mouth hovers over mine as his hands grip the hem of my shirt before removing it completely. His eyes fall to my chest, and he lets out a satisfied groan. He palms my breasts in his hand and kneads them, slowly.

“They fit perfectly. It’s like they were made just for me.”

My own hands roam over his hips and then up his muscular back. He’s wide and strong and so very fucking hard. Every single inch of him. With my hands tangled in the short locks of his hair, I pull his mouth to my own. Unable to hold back anymore, I claim what is mine. And I’m lost. With just one kiss, Jackson has me hypnotized. Just like all those women I used to make fun of for fawning over him. I get it now. He’s an absolute swoon worthy, panty dropper of a man.

With his hands behind my thighs, he lifts up, and I’m forced to wrap my legs around him. Without breaking our kiss, Jackson walks us down the hallway to the bedroom. He playfully tosses me on the bed before caging me in with his arms. His nose nuzzles the curve of my neck while his tongue darts out and licks down my flesh, finally ending between my breasts. Suddenly, he stops, and his head snaps up to look at me.

“Don’t move,” he warns.

Jackson steps out of the bedroom, and I hear his soft footsteps against the hardwood. When I hear him making his way back, my curiosity is piqued. Jackson enters through the door and holds out his hand. He’s waving the can of whipped cream back and forth.

“You got a taste. It’s only fair that I do as well.”

Jackson shakes the can before spraying a thin white line between the valley of my breasts. I watch as his tongue licks up the cream, and he lets out a satisfied groan. He moves the can to my nipple and sprays a good-sized dollop and then does the same to the other one. The cold causes a shiver to run through me. I can’t take my eyes off him. The sight of Jackson taking my breast in his hand as he puts my entire nipple into his mouth leaves me panting, wanting more. His tongue laps at my nipple, and I can’t help but squirm and sigh as he flicks it back and forth. Once he’s satisfied that he’s licked that one clean, he moves to the other.

“Jackson,” I breathe out, as my fingers pull at his short hair.

With a pop, he releases my breast and wipes the corner of his mouth.

“This is what you should’ve served me for breakfast.” He squirts another line of whipped cream from my rib cage to my navel. “You taste better than any chocolate chip pancakes I’ve ever had.”

His tongue circles around my belly button before devouring the remaining whipped cream off my skin. Following the last drop, he hovers at the waistband of the sweatpants I’m wearing.

“There are so many things I want to do with you, to you. So many things I’ve thought about over the years. But right now, I just need to satisfy this overwhelming craving.” Jackson pulls down my sweats and chuckles softly. “Have you seriously had no panties on all this time?”

I nod my head. “I didn’t wear any the last time I borrowed your clothes, either.”

Jackson nibbles his way up my inner thigh and sighs. “I’m jealous that my damn pants got to touch this before I did.”

The tip of his finger traces down my slit, causing me to rock against him, yearning for something deeper. Jackson throws my legs over his shoulders, and I watch as his fingers open me up wide for him. My body aches, and all he does is stare.


His eyes snap up to meet mine, and there’s no denying the spark in them. He’s getting off on torturing me.

“I’m just memorizing the parts of you I’ve only been able to imagine.”

Before I can respond, he buries his face in my sex. My back arches off the bed, and my toes curl as I feel his tongue delve deep inside me. I’m tender and sore from all the activities last night, but I easily forget as he devours me.

Holy shit, he’s good, too good. My mind has a brief flash of all the women I’ve seen Jackson with over the years, and I quickly force their faces to the back of my mind. Why he’s so good shouldn’t matter. He’s mine now. From here on out, only I will enjoy all the hard work and effort he’s put into mastering these skills.

With his mouth on my clit, the vibrations from his groans have me clenching the duvet cover tightly within my fists. Jackson’s arm wraps around my thighs as he tries to hold me still. But it’s no use. I grind against him, feeling that familiar warmth spreading throughout me.

My sensations are heightened, and I feel everything. The burn of his beard against the most sensitive parts of my skin. The way he’s stretching me with not two but three fingers this time. And the way they drag painfully slowly against that spot deep inside me.

The fuse inside me is lit, and when the bomb goes off, I’m half off the bed, screaming out Jackson’s name as I come. My body quivers with tiny aftershocks that I’ve never experienced before. These orgasms will be the death of me. They feel as though they’re never ending, which is amazing and different at the same time. Jackson is different, and he doesn’t deserve to be grouped with the other men I’ve been with.
