Page 77 of Love Me Later

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It’s one of my favorite times of year—pee-wee football season. Every season starts off with a huge cookout over at the high school to welcome new and returning players alike. The scent of grilled hot dogs and hamburgers hangs heavy in the air. There are jumpies for the kids, and a water slide. This year, there’s even a bluegrass band playing to add a little music to the festivities. And thanks to our activities last night, Rory and I showed up over a half hour late.

No one specific is to blame. Maybe twelve orgasms is one too many. But damn, it was fun to watch. By number ten, Rory was a spineless puddle on the bed. There’s no way I was getting her over to my place after that. Plus, I’m not a total idiot. I know after an intense marathon session, after-care and TLC is what she needed. Who cares if it meant waking up a little early to go back to my place before heading out to the field?

After having my fill of food, I make the rounds. I like to start off by introducing myself to the parents who don’t know me personally, and then I move onto the ones who know me too well. Like Ricky and Carley. They are sitting at one of the picnic tables with Nia and Rory. The last time I saw Ricky was at the bar the night I had to take Rory back to my place. His oldest boy is on my team this year.

“I don’t know how you can stand having that draped over you in this heat,” Nia tells Carley while fanning herself off. Carley is nursing her newest under a blanket. “I’m getting sweaty just looking at you.”

“Normally, I don’t care. But the last thing I want to do is explain to some four-year-old boy why my boob is hanging out.”

“That’s a thing?” Rory asks.

“If they don’t have siblings, yeah. Kids have way too much curiosity.”

“Looks like I’m joining the conversation at the right time. I love talking about boobs. They’re fun,” I chime in.

Ricky stands up and joins me where I stand. “It all changes after kids, man.”

“What? The boobs?”

“Yes, the boobs. At the moment, mine are not just for decoration, so it complicates their fun aspect,” Carley lectures me.

“You’ll see someday,” Ricky adds.

With a laugh, I shake my head. Out of the corner of my eye, I notice Rory has checked out of the conversation and is pretending to scroll through her phone. It’s one of her coping mechanisms when people talk about having babies.

Changing the subject, I go into my speech about how the season will play out this year. I tell them everything they need to know about gear and practices. By the time I’m done, Rory is still sitting at the table, talking to someone she knows from work, and Nia is no longer with the group. Terrell is also a coach, so there is no need for her to hear everything she already knows.

“Sounds like football is going to be a lot of fun, huh, bud?” Ricky picks up his son and brings him eye level with me. “Coach Nash and I used to play football together a long time ago.”

“Ok, that’s my cue to use the bathroom. I was there and I don’t need to hear the stories for the five millionth time.” Carley stands, her little one sound asleep in her arms. She looks at Ricky with his hands full before smiling at me. “Jackson, can you hold him for me, please?”

“Oh, um, yeah sure.” I place my Dixie cup down on the wooden table and hold my arms out.

“Just make sure his head doesn’t go flopping around all over,” Carley tells me as she lays the baby in the crook of my arm.

“Make sure the head doesn’t pop off. Check.”

“I know I haven’t seen you in a while, but you look really happy, man,” Ricky says as Carley walks off.

Glancing at Rory, I smile. “Yeah, I’ve got her to thank for that.”

“It’s crazy how things work out sometimes. I mean, the two of you were always close, so it didn’t surprise me when I heard the news.”

“I almost lost her, but—” I don’t finish that sentence because I hate thinking about how dumb I was to let my feelings go on for so long. “It’s really something, though. Being in love with your best friend. I guess we both lucked out there.”

Looking over at Rory, I find her staring at me. The look on her face is unreadable. When her eyes finally meet mine, she takes in a deep breath and gives me a quick half-smile.

“That we did. Then, before you know it, the two of you will have a few of these of your own. I bet you can’t wait to coach your own kid.”

With a laugh, I shake my head. “Nope, not me. I’m not a breeder, man.”

Ricky cocks his head at me. “Wait, you don’t want kids?”

“No, I mean, I think they’re great and all, obviously. If I didn’t like kids, I wouldn’t be coaching the pee-wees. But I get to have all the fun with none of the responsibility.”

I knew it was only a matter of time before people started talking to us about our future and kids are usually a normal part of that conversation. With all the nosey bitty’s in this town dying to know everyone’s business, I’m surprised we made it this long. I’m just thankful the questions today are being thrown at me and not Rory. It’s a subject she doesn’t like to talk about, and only those closest to her know why she doesn’t want kids. When the topic’s brought up by others, she simply smiles and brushes it off.
