Page 83 of Love Me Later

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“Is he still in there? Is he alone?”

I hold out hope Lyndsey was wrong, and that Rory was already out of the office before this asshole started shooting it up.

“Oh, God. I left her. I can’t believe I did that.”

“Who, Ms. Melody? Who did you leave?”

“I’m so sorry, Jackson.” She cries. “He came here looking for her. Rory’s still in there with him. She’s trying to talk him down, but I don’t know if she’ll be able to get through to him.”

All at once, I feel all the blood drain from my face. Rory’s trapped in a room, alone with the shooter. One who came specifically for her.

“Go,” I tell Melody. “There’s a team coming through the front. Someone will get you out safely.”

“I hope—”


This time Melody listens, and I hear her heels once again clicking on the floor as she moves away from me. The time at the academy, and all my years of training never prepared me for this. Not once did I expect to be put in a scenario where I had to rescue the woman I love from a life-or-death situation. But here I am. The world in front of me goes by as if in slow motion. The blood rushes to my ears, and now, instead of silence, I hear my heart pounding in my chest. But my mind and eyes are laser focused as I make my way slowly down the hallways of Hawk Bend High.
