Page 89 of Love Me Later

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I would do everything over the exact same if it meant this was the outcome.


I turn to find my parents. My mom’s face is all lit up with a smile. In fact, I don’t think that smile has left her face since Rory and I told her we were getting married. Glancing behind them, I see Jameson and Martina. Jameson is wearing one of those baby slings, and I can’t help but chuckle at the visual.

“Did you ever think we’d see the day when Jameson Nash, superstar, macho quarterback, would wear a baby strapped to his chest?”

“He’s doing it to help Martina. Poor girl, I worry this little breeze might blow her away. I’m pretty sure the baby outweighs her already.”

“Leann,” my dad warns.

“Oh, hush. I love the girl, Mitch. I’m just saying, would it kill her to eat a steak?”

My father rolls his eyes at me, and I contain my laughter as to not encourage my mother. Out of the corner of my eye, I see the officiant and the wedding planner Rory and I met with making their way toward us. The show is about to start.

My father clears his throat, then nods his head at my mother. She gives me a kiss on the cheek before going to stand with the others.

“Jackson, I um…” My father stumbles over his words. “I, uh, wanted to take a moment and tell you how proud your mother and I are of you. Or more specifically, how proud I am of you.”


“No, let me finish,” he interrupts. “I know the two of us haven’t always seen eye to eye. They always say to be a parent to your child, not their friend. But I think there were a few times when I should have ignored that. You think he’s my favorite, but he’s not. I love you both the same.” My dad looks back at Jameson and shakes his head. “It’s a good thing luck blessed that boy. If he was given the cards you were dealt, his life would have turned out very different from the one you’ve created for yourself.”

I stare at my father, unsure of what to say. The two of us have never had a heart to heart like this. My whole life he’s told me all the things I’ve done wrong, so all of this is very unexpected.

“Do you mean it? Or are you just buttering me up because it’s my wedding day?”

“A little of both,” he teases. “This conversation was long overdue. I love you, son. And I love that girl. I hope the two of you will be as happy as your mother and I have been.”

Reaching out, I pull my dad in for a bear hug. The gesture surprises him, and I feel him tense before he relaxes.

“All right, now. That’s enough of that,” he says, smoothing his navy-blue linen button-down that almost matches my own. We dressed our dads in navy blue while my shirt is a shade or two lighter—Rory’s idea. “I don’t get dressed up too often and I don’t need you messing it all up before someone can take a picture.”

I smile at my dad, giving him a quick slap on the back. “I can’t wait to tell Jameson that I’m your favorite.”

“Jackson, don’t be an ass.” He groans, turning away from me to rejoin my mom.

I let out a chuckle and nod at the officiant who has taken his spot dead center under the arch. From out of nowhere, soft instrumental music plays, and that’s when I see her.

She’s stunning.

Her thick, dark curly hair is braided with small white flowers mixed in. And her dress…God, her dress. It’s so simple, yet she looks drop dead gorgeous in it. The small rose bouquet she’s holding in front of her doesn’t hide the curves of her body that are only accentuated by the dress. She’s barefoot, and I can’t help but smile. She looks perfect.

I need to remind myself to breathe. So many emotions are rushing through me, and breathing is the only thing preventing me from running down this aisle and stealing her away. Screw the wedding and the small dinner we have planned afterward. Instead, I breathe and anchor myself to the sand as I patiently wait for her.

As she and Skip come to a stop, all I can do is stare. Her emerald-green eyes are blazing under the setting sun. Forcing myself to look away, I nod at Skip.

“Take care of my little girl.”

“I will.”

He smiles at Rory before looking back at me. “I know you will, son.”

Taking Rory’s hands in mine, we stare into each other’s eyes as the officiant begins. We asked for the most basic, quickest ceremony the hotel offered. We didn’t need to write our own vows or agree to have and to hold ’til death do us part. All we wanted was to place our ring on the other’s finger and have someone with the power to announce us as husband and wife.

Minutes later, we’re doing just that. Rory slides the black titanium band around my finger, and my heart swells when she says “I do.” Then it’s my turn. I place the wedding band on her ring finger, say those two little words, and then hold out my pinky for her. She smiles and wraps her own around mine.

“Ladies and gentleman, it is my privilege to announce for the very first time, Mr. and Mrs. Jackson Nash.”
