Page 9 of Love Me Later

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“Brody, watch your swing, bubba. You’re not chopping wood out here, ok?” This poor kid is the smallest on our team and I swear the bat is bigger than he is. But he’s got a lot of heart and a drive to learn. Picking him up, I reposition him so he’s facing the plate. “Are your feet good?”

The tiny four-year-old looks down at his feet, then straight up at me. The helmet, still a little big for him, bobs back and forth with the motion.

“Yes, Coach Nash.”

“All right, then let’s get this bat where we want it.”

It’s been a hectic Saturday morning. Usually there are three of us out here to keep the kids focused. It’s obvious we’re struggling slightly. You’d think one of the parents sitting on the bleachers would put their phone down to help, but they don’t.

Right now, Terrell has his son and half the team working on fielding in the outfield, and I’m teaching batting. That means all my attention is on one kid while I leave the others to entertain themselves.

Glancing behind me, I see how right I am. Every one of them is playing in the dirt. But I don’t stop them. After all, it’s to be expected. This is T-ball, not the major leagues. You have to let them enjoy it while it’s still fun, before it becomes too competitive and life-changing. Now that Brody is all set in his position, I reach behind me and grab the tee, placing the ball on top of it.

“Swing away, big man!” I holler once I’m standing a safe distance away.

With the intensity of a ferocious lion, this kid eyes the ball and finally swings. It’s a line drive and a pretty decent hit. As he runs the bases, I hear a familiar voice behind me that’s cheering along with my group of kids. Turning, I see Rory. She’s early, which is normal for her. And without me noticing, she’s somehow got the kids to stop making dirt castles and has them all paying attention.

When Brody rounds third, Rory holds her hand out for him, and the little kid high fives her with all his might. This kid has the biggest smile on his face, and I’m reminded why I volunteer to coach this along with pee-wee football. Even though I have no kids of my own.

“Coach Nash, did you see how far the ball went?” Brody stomps on home plate and looks up at me.

“I sure did,” I knock on his helmet. “You keep swinging like that and you’ll be hitting home runs in no time!”

Brody smiles at me before rushing off to the dugout. I walk over to Rory, who is now talking to Terrell while all the kids pack up their gear.

“We’d love to have you and Brad over for dinner before the wedding. Text Nia and let her know what date works for you,” Terrell says.

Fucking Brad. First, he steals my girl, now my friends.

“Sounds good.” Rory smiles at him.

Terrell looks at me and slaps me hard on the back. “We did good today. They didn’t overpower us too badly.”

“Aww, how cute,” Rory teases. “Two grown, powerful men of the law, scared to be alone with a group of preschoolers.”

“You just wait, Rory. Some day when you have a few monsters of your own, you’ll know what I’m talking about.”

Rory flashes a fake smile, but I’m the only one who can tell it’s not genuine. I watch as she swallows hard and clears her throat.

“Something to look forward to, I guess.” She smiles at Terrell and refuses to make eye contact with me.

Terrell’s son runs over with his equipment bag dragging behind him. Terrell picks up the bag and gives it a quick dusting off. “All right, we’re out of here. Rory, I hope to see you soon, and Nash, I’ll see you at the station on Tuesday.”

“Later, man,” I call after him.

“Are you ready for cake?” Rory questions me before walking off the field.

“I swear that’s the dumbest thing you’ve ever asked me.”

Grabbing the rest of the equipment, I follow behind Rory. She’s dressed in a dark denim jean jacket, a white cotton tee, black leggings, and slip-on white Vans. Those black leggings leave almost nothing to the imagination, and I try my hardest not to stare at all those damn curves. Quit being a perv, Jackson.

Rory’s Jeep is parked next to me, so I toss everything I’m carrying into the bed of my truck.

“Which vehicle do you want to take?” I look over just in time to see her tossing keys at my face.
