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The open space before me is exactly that, open. I’m sure lady Jefferson got a good look in on us and is still watching me now.

I don’t care what she thinks, or anybody. Hector himself could come for me with his shit and it wouldn’t burst my bubble not one bit.

For the first time in forever I feel hope. I don’t even have the what-the-hell-am-I-doing moment that should hit me for telling Nick Giordano that I love him. I’ve told him several times since the first time I said it and every time I do it feels freeing.

Things have moved fast but they feel right. Mostly, I can’t believe the nightmare of Hector will be over soon and I thank God I had the good sense to keep Hector a secret.

I knew as Nick tried to get me to talk that I’d make it worse by telling him the truth.

Mobsters and drug lords. It spelled disaster and it frightens me that worse could happen.

I sigh and go inside the house.

I plan to pack a few things later once I speak to Dad and Beth. He’s been okay with me being away. He’s managed and done everything that needs doing.

The house is spotless which also tells me that Kathy was a definite great choice.

I go up to my room and call Chloe. She answers on the first ring, eager to speak to me. It’s lunch time and she’s been waiting on my call. I tell her everything and we both go from gushing over Nick to questioning how crazy the situation feels but how happy I am.

“I can’t believe it.” She laughs. “How do you feel though?”

It’s a good question. I’m buzzing and I can’t bring myself down from cloud nine just yet.

“I’m happy. Chloe I’m happy and I just want to be free to be happy. Everything has been shit for so long.”

“I know sweetie. I know,” she sympathizes. “It’s gonna get better now. I’m happy about you and Nick, but I think the part I’m happy about the most is getting rid of Hector. Mia you should have told Nick about Hector. The money is unreasonable. It really is. It doesn’t sit well with me that you’re just paying it. Carter didn’t even owe that much.”

She’s right, but shit… questioning that part will just open up the mouth of hell. What was I supposed to do? Go to Hector and try to negotiate?

I think I’d end up very dead.

“I know. But I’m scared enough as it is. I’m frightened of these people and I just want it gone. What doesn’t sit well with me is Nick paying. He shouldn’t have to.”

“Sweetie can you blame him? He loves you and he sees you’re in trouble and need the help. This is a good thing. I just don’t like it because people like Hector just uses a situation to make more money. It’s bull shit.”

“I know.”

“What are you going to tell Nick when you talk about the money?”

I straighten up. “I’m just going to talk about that part straight up. There’s nothing to hide there. I don’t need to hide that part. I know it may sound stupid to keep Hector out of it but Chloe, you’ve never been here when the man unleashed on us. It was horrible, truly horrible and I can imagine him killing someone out of spite if I talk.”

That… that was what could happen. I would never be foolish enough to think it couldn’t.

Nick is who he is, and look at what happened to his friend. The point is it’s stuff that can happen to anybody and if it does there’s not a damn thing anyone can do about it.

“I get it. I do. Let’s just be glad it’s gonna be over soon. Then we can talk about more fun stuff.”

“Yes, we certainly can. I’ll tell you about how Nick chained me to his bed.”

She sucks in a breath and I laugh. “Holy shit, Mia… that’s not the kind of thing you drop on me while we’re on the phone. You guys did that?”

“We did.”

“Did you like it?”


“Holy shit,” she gasps and laughs. “Okay, my turn. Sal asked me to marry him and I said yes.”
