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Chapter Thirty-Four


I gazeout the window at the faint light in the sky.

It recedes at the onset of evening.

It’s at that stage where the light is just fading. It’s still there, but just holding on to keep it’s presence. Stay alive.

That’s how I feel.

That’s how I feel right now and I’m not sure what I should be thankful for most.

That I wasn’t raped over and over again like they threatened?

That I wasn’t beaten senseless?

Or, maybe I should be thankful I’m alive?

Yes that would make sense. Most would be thankful for their lives and that they weren’t dead. I know I’m alive because they need me to be. So that part is good.

At the same time what if the life you have was just given to you to prolong the game. Prolong the fun and see how long you can last, or how much torture you can bear?

My brain is void of reason and I’m losing my mind along with the will to live.

There’s a tangle of a mess and it’s because of Carter again.


I knew he was vile, but I never knew how truly evil he could be.

Footsteps echo on the concreate floor. I don’t know who is coming now.

I’m chained to a post in the corner of a room that looks like where you’d keep old junk. Attic like but not. I get the sensation that I’m in a factory because there’s machinery in the corner and I know I’m up high.

There’s a stairs across from me and men have been coming up and down it.

The last guy got a good feel of my breasts before Joey Fontaine came in and he stopped.

I cried the whole time. I woke up with my pants gone and my legs bare so I don’t know what they did to me while I was out of it.

I’m not sore like I’ve had sex.

That is how I’m thinking and the only comfort I give myself because I don’t know what I’d do if that happened. I know it’s on the table however and it terrifies me.

The footsteps come up the stairs and I see Carter’s menacing face appear in my view. The guy with the knife scar who took me is the one who brought me up here and beat me up when I woke up.

All the while Carter watched in glee and taunted me. He kept saying oh how the mighty Harvard grad has fallen.

I can barely look at him now… my eye is swollen but that’s not why. I can barely look at him because he’s supposed to be my big brother.

“Awwww, look at you. Look at you.” He shakes his head, mocking me and tears run down my cheeks. “Don’t cry. I’m sure you’ll either live or be remembered. One of the two.”

“Fucking prick,” I hiss. My voice so weak and frail I barely recognize it.

He just looks at me and twiddles his thumbs with that satisfied gloat on his fucking face.

As I stare back at him I just wish I could fade away like the daylight and just cease to exist. I can’t believe I’m the same woman from this morning. I was so happy with Nick. I was so happy.
